22 November, 2015

Scenes from a Chat: Embarrassing edition

[17:09] Pxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: nice rocker outfit at Joy Style MM board 21/170 Gentlemen, if your lover is able to describe her climax in vivid, florid detail? She is not actually having one. The ladies need their hands too.
[17:09] Pxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hey that was not supposed to happen

I bet.

[17:10] Pxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oh no
[17:10] gxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx laughs
[17:10] gxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: that escalated quickly


[17:10] axxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Well, things sure got interesting all of a sudden.
[17:10] Pxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: *blushes red hot*
[17:10] mxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol
[17:10] rxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: is that on the MM, lol

Ah, copy-paste, our friend, our most fiendish enemy...

[17:11] Pxxxx Hxxxxxxxx: you didnt drop Lm
[17:11] gxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx giggles
[17:11] Pxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I tried to add the LM but that ins't what happened
[17:12] sxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol love it
[17:12] Axxxxx Exxx giggles

Alas, Miss P's composure...we knew it well...

[17:12] Pxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I can't seem to copy and paste a LM into the chat line!
[17:13] Pxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I give up! *runs and hides*
[17:13] Gxxxx Axxxxxxxxx: No you can't, you have to get the slurl from the map (copy location to clipboard), then paste that into chat
[17:13] Pxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oh

Always a good tip.

[17:15] zxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: woot you did it
[17:15] Pxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I got it now
[17:15] Pxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: omg

Go you!