24 September, 2015

looking out the picture window down on Sycamore

I...have no words for this one.

Normally, when something this strange crosses my radar, I have to know what it looks like, at least, but...nope. Just...no. Not going.

If anyone wants to go, keep in mind it is an Adult sim, so...here. Send me pictures.

In the meantime, Lunar Seasonal Designs made a flying pumpkin candle with bat wings!

And you thought I was kidding.

The candle color and flame can be changed, the color of the smoke trail, and the color of the pumpkin itself. Only L$100, it's a steal!

Also this:

T'is the season! Or at least will be. I have no idea if this is for sale or just odd decor, though, and...I can't remember where I saw it. Argh.

But in cooler news:

This is a mesh tuxedo, with formal shoes, found at sf design. It runs L$600, which is definitely not inexpensive, but it comes in six sizes, so if you have a need for a feminine, classic tuxedo suit, and you find a size to fit, this may very well be worth your Lindens.

And yes--there is a demo.

At We Roleplay, there's this lovely thing:

It's called Constantine's Aegis, comes with a HUD to change to seven different textures, and costs--brace yourselves--L$450. Ouch. But it is very, very pretty, so if you need an asymmetrical dragon shield...stop by.

Also at We Roleplay, 22769 is featuring the Tower of Light:

It retails for L$510, and there's a way to see a full-size demo in the booth.

Mesh is making the grid very interesting.