31 August, 2015

girls and boys, before you wish for what you wish for

I went to Cat's Creations and I won a Plain Penis Pet from her Lucky Cupcake.

I can't make these things up.

It looks...knitted.

Why...does this exist?

Also, it is very unfriendly to AOs. (I captured another image, but it's REALLY not safe for work, considering most places of employment.

So...this is a thing. This is a thing that exists. The grid ever baffles and confuses me.

29 August, 2015

you're right, I'm not from here

So, more today from a freebie and sales group that is steadily becoming infamous for these little drama flares...

[19:44] Axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: (( IF YOU SEE THIS DO NOT CLICK ))...Get 2500L$ Just Pass 1 Survey [non-secondlife-link redacted] Click, Join And Win 2500L$ !.

Really? Really? You thought the best way to protect folks from an obvious phishing link was to repost the phishing link?? Way to help the spammers there, madam, go you.

[19:45] Txxxxx Txxxxxx: lol wtf
[19:45] Axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: IT IS A SCAM

No duh it's a scam! It's also now a scam you're contributing to spreading. Aren't you special.

[19:45] Rxxxx Cxxxxxx: Oh dear..
[19:45] Axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I have seen it in 2 of my groups

I've seen it in six today, but who's counting? Still beyond dumb to repost the link with no editing of the link itself.

[19:45] Axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: in two different names
[19:45] Txxxxx Txxxxxx: today is the attack of the spammers....they are in so many groups today
[19:45] Ixxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: not wise to paste the link here without breaking it up, so someone doesn't accidentally click it
[19:45] vxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: so you posted it here? well done

Good, so I'm not the only one who thinks that was a brain-dead move.

[19:45] Axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: so i'm warning all of my groups
[19:46] vxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: please dont

Yeah, really. Please don't do this, because you're just contributing to viral spam. Just point it out if folks ask, otherwise step back, and do not engage. Don't become part of the problem you're trying to solve.

[19:46] Txxxxx Txxxxxx: yea no need to re-paste the damn thing o.O

My point exactly.

[19:46] Ixxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: better to do www . secondlife . com (for example)
[19:46] Axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i'm telling them not to click the link before i post it so they will know what it looks like

You can do that without posting the exact link.

[19:46] vxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: especially as many of us will be in the same damn groups and have already seen it 3 or 4 times
[19:47] Bxxxxx Mxxxxxxxx: I think you should just remind people to not click outside links lol
[19:47] Txxxxx Txxxxxx: yea we get that....still there was no need to put in the link..at all
[19:47] Axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: you all need to calm down and listen
[19:47] Axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I was just trying to help ppl

But in a really, really dumb way. You get that, right? I mean, spamming groups with the phishing links is bad enough, but there's a whole new level in the hyperbolic "PPL R THIEVES ON TEH INTERNET DON'T CLICK TEH THINGS!!1!" screaming. So try to strike a balance. Instead of posting the exact link--thereby exposing more users to risk than you're protecting--say X Resident has been seen posting a link. If the link doesn't look right, don't click it. Or, when you see it pop up, simply say it's a scam, because most people on SL we can at least assume are 18, if not older. Old enough, anyway, not to fall for phishing scams.

[19:48] Txxxx Dxxxxxxx: (wait for it)
[19:48] Axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: by telling them like I have seen others do in the past
[19:48] Txxxxx Txxxxxx: and....we are just telling you how to go about helping ppl
[19:48] Axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yeah but very rude

How was she rude? She said don't post the original link because it's a bad idea. In fact, this is exactly what she said:
[19:45] Ixxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: not wise to paste the link here without breaking it up, so someone doesn't accidentally click it
How is that rude?

[19:48] Txxxxx Txxxxxx: also...we are all very calm.
[19:48] Axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yoy don't have to be rude about it
[19:49] Axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: you know what good bye
[19:49] Vxxxxx Cxxxxxxxxxx: Please adhere to group rules.
[19:49] Txxxxx Txxxxxx: and... flounce o.O

The flounce is always expected.

[19:49] vxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: not rude, i said 'please dont' and didnt shout once
[19:50] Dxxx Hxxxx: well that was lovely
[19:50] Vxxxxx Cxxxxxxxxxx passes out pillows. Please place that between your head and the wall.

Ah, thank you, that's very helpful for those of us deeply needing to bash our heads against a solid surface.

[19:50] txxxxxxxx Mxxxxxx: :/ lol
[19:51] yxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: cup of tea?
[19:51] Txxxxx Txxxxxx: haha
[19:51] zxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I think you can warn people w/o posting the actual link, there are people in this group who don't read English and may just click the link. But appreciate the fact you want to protect people
[19:55] Axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Thank you Zim for explaining that to me politely
[19:56] Axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: and not jumping all over me for trying to help
[19:56] Axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: now i know to post it w/o the link

You should have known that before, when Ms. I posted her (non-rude, non-aggressive) reply. Ms. Z basically said the same thing, only added that she appreciated your efforts. So, a little bit of flattery is all that it takes to make you charming? Remind me not to interact with you in future.

26 August, 2015

I had 'em locked away, it seems they've cut their own parole

Seen at the We Heart RP event this August:

Yes. The "Eggscalibur" sword. Let that sink in.

You can buy one of your very own for L$150 during the run of the event. You're...welcome??

A while back, a group of Neverwinter players were talking about the Festival of Sune, and the alarming habit during the Festival for other players to sneak up while we're fighting kobolds, and grab the flowers we're fighting the kobolds for! And, miraculously, we start with a compliment:

[Zone] Atia Afidotter@LetiaRae: came over to pick flowers and saw me there and left em alone - very noble.
[Zone] Betty Boop@stephthegadget: a rarity
[Zone] Atia Afidotter@LetiaRae: aye
[Zone] Spazblast@glowstikk: You got there first, your flowers
[Zone] Atia Afidotter@LetiaRae: Still not many would have left them
[Zone] Betty Boop@stephthegadget: I've taken to just killing the kobolds, saves a lot of aggro
[Zone] Mystique@menohave: Fairplay. Good for you!
[Zone] Lexie Bursar@driffic7: silly how game events bring out the bad in people.. as if the 13 seconds it takes to find your own flower is a big deal..

It's true. I've also seen this happen in other games--we go to the thing the quest has told us to find. Someone else comes up and takes the thing before we can. We have to then find another thing. It doesn't matter whether it's a class of specific enemies, a bush, a flower, a stone...a lucky chair in SL...it's the same concept, really.

[Zone] Kitari@testbyte: sadly lot dont go by that rule.. it gets tiring as low lvl player that struggles to kill kolbods when see a high lvl come steal ya flowers
[Zone] Lexie Bursar@driffic7: better you try to kite mobs onto folks and grab as they fight the kobolds
[Zone] Chali@Jeviati: Better to not be a dbag

Always true. While yes, it is 'just a game', in the end how we behave in games reflects how we behave in life. If we're kind in life, we're likely kind in games. If we're abusive, mean, or in general jerkish in games, that's a pretty good reflection of our personalities outside of those games.

[Zone] Sparrow@acidsparrow: well that killed the chat
[Zone] Sparrow@acidsparrow: I feel like a murderer
[Zone] Sugar Spice@hennas: thank god
[Zone] Sparrow@acidsparrow: thank god for what?
[Zone] Chali@Jeviati: Which God?
[Zone] Sugar Spice@hennas: killing the *@!*@@ chat
[Zone] Sparrow@acidsparrow: indeed which?
[Zone] Hellea@Korrd.: Demeter.
[Zone] Sparrow@acidsparrow: Why Demeter?
[Zone] Hellea@Korrd.: Because she'd be appropriate for this festival.

Ooh, semi-relevance! Yay!

[Zone] Jenn Littleknight@EmillyOrr: Well, Sune in Faerun worship is pretty much equivalent to Demeter/Ceres, if that helps.
[Zone] Hellea@Korrd.: The only common element is all your failed relationships is you.
[Zone] Jenn Littleknight@EmillyOrr: With some Aphrodite and Freya thrown in for good measure.
[Zone] 420 Blaze For life@yumguzzler: my brain hurts
[Zone] Hellea@Korrd.: It does, Jenn. ;)
[Zone] EVISCERATION@killallchristian: all hail the name 4.20!


[Zone] Arya Stark@qwikshot16nd: actually, sune is more like aphrodite ... goddess of love, beauty, and all of that other nonsense
[Zone] Arya Stark@qwikshot16nd: at least according to the original forgotten realms

Well, true, in that sense, but Sune is an odd combination of Aphrodite and Ceres. Mainly because while those in her service are required to be the most beautiful, the most perfect examples of their races, in addition to being kind, complimentary, and capable of inspiring great joy, her actual Festival is all centered around the first harvest and the bounty of the earth. Great beasts are slaughtered ritually and thrown on fires to cook; ale is made from local grains, mead is made from local honey, cider is made from the apple groves. Adventurers throng to her feasting grounds and eat, dance, and drink in between bouts of harvesting corn, catching chickens and pigs, and picking flowers. (The priestesses hold themselves responsible for making watermelon ices, huge tureens of healing squash soup, and inexplicably, caprese from tomatoes, fresh mozzarella and basil. How did these items get into a fantasy realm? Who knows?)

[Zone] Sparrow@acidsparrow: isn't this festival for Sune?
[Zone] Vucarik@needlessthing: none of those gods would be good for this festival because...they arnt Forgotten Realms Gods...duh :P

Yes, we know.

[Zone] Hellea@Korrd.: That's why the word "equivalent" was thrown in, Vucarik.
[Zone] Hellea@Korrd.: It was a comparison.
[Zone] Oathbound@tzass: Chauntea is the correct one for this festival
[Zone] Pamina@Tuld: Was Chauntea killed off, too?
[Zone] Pamina@Tuld: Sune might be good for valentine's day
[Zone] Pamina@Tuld: if the "midsummer" festival happened in the middle of the summer, it might be better for Sune. Chauntea could have had her harvest festival later.
[Zone] Pamina@Tuld: I'm frankly disappointed in the Tyr killing off Helm bit, all because Tymora was flirting.
[Zone] Thranduil Paladinson@Meth_Shadowstorm: Atheists have no concept of Faith other than personal EGO, so they have no capacity to understand God.

...Wait. One of these things is not in line with the others. Where did that come from?

[Zone] Zralein@Diggle: bigotry against a person's choice in faith is no better than sexual preference, race, etc....

Let's go out on that limb and assume you mean "no better than bigotry against sexual preferences, race, et cetera"...Shall we? I think we rather should.

[Zone] Lightning@chocobofarmer: maybe both atheists and theists are wrong, maybe god is actually satan

That's an incomplete answer that rests on the basic assumption of theism to work.

[Zone] Zralein@Diggle: Bigots ftl.
[Zone] Nova Pearl@milquet0ast: i like the part where god is all "i'm gonna smite everyone, stand back moses" and moses is all "don't tase me bro"
[Zone] Thanos of Titan@leedskalninfarm: A theist's life is fragile; their foundation was based on early indoctrination during childhood.

You'd have a hard time convincing most theists, and a surprising number of atheists, of that theory.

[Zone] Arturus Wolveranis@darthsmurfer: God isn't some mystical being. he's our loving Father in Heaven. He uses natural laws of cause and effect, to govern the universe.
[Zone] Ankh Zuh@zuzz44: But if atheists believe in no beleiving....thats means...Chek&Math, atheism?

No. Also, you can't spell.

[Zone] Thranduil Paladinson@Meth_Shadowstorm: A Theist has a solid foundation and an atheist spreads LIES to justify themselves

Also no. That's wrong.

[Zone] Lightning@chocobofarmer: i think both sides are crazy
[Zone] Lightning@chocobofarmer: i think all humans are wrong
[Zone] Lightning@chocobofarmer: about everything

While I don't believe a policy of total doubt is the way to go, a healthy amount of doubt does little harm and more good than complete, mindless faith--or mindless disbelief.

[Zone] Arturus Wolveranis@darthsmurfer: criticizing others' religions doesn't promote good feelings. I'd just learn to understand and help others understand your side, peacefully.
[Zone] Thanos of Titan@leedskalninfarm: Theists who worship belong to groups like witches, dwarves, elves, and orcs; they're all imaginary.

What are you talking about?? Witches aren't imaginary. And I've met more than a few dwarves, and there's a family of gnomes that makes champagne in Spoke.

[Zone] Zralein@Diggle: Thanos trolling bigot filled with keyboard courage lol
[Zone] Seline Lightbringer@PinochetNoir: dwarves are real
[Zone] Nova Pearl@milquet0ast: i would spend more time at church if there were elves there
[Zone] Devolich@maptex: nova - church elves! the story practically writes itself.
[Zone] Thanos of Titan@leedskalninfarm: Zralein is a guy who ran out of ideas, not being able to get to his dusty bible under his bed and cite bible passages.

Ah, and now we've reached personal insult time.

[Zone] Thranduil Paladinson@Meth_Shadowstorm: Thanos is not even an Atheist. His just likes to argue with complete stangers and hide it from his parents

"Strangers". And can we move back to discussion from childish namecalling?

[Zone] Thanos of Titan@leedskalninfarm: Thus he resorts to mere offensive language.

Um...where was the offensive language? I didn't see it.

[Zone] Zralein@Diggle: Thanos, troll on with your bigoted hatespeak.
[Zone] Zralein@Diggle: Keyboard courage and lacking integrity kiddies ftl.
[Zone] Thanos of Titan@leedskalninfarm: Only the close minded people think of my chat as hatespeak. Godly lovy dovys.
[Zone] Zralein@Diggle: Thanos I never made and personal claims as to what I believe, by definition you are spewing libelous hatespeak and bigotry.

Hmm. "Libel". That's iffy, considering unless we save it, chat disappears after we leave the game. Also, libel specifically is intended to apply to things that appear in print; as in newspapers, books, magazines...Our legal system hasn't quite caught up yet with the provisions of the internet.

But I will provisionally agree that it might be closer to libel than to slander. Maybe.

[Zone] Devolich@maptex: Thanos is in love with death.
Well, the comic character Thanos, sure...

[Zone] Zralein@Diggle: Keyboard courage ftl.
[Zone] Seline Lightbringer@PinochetNoir: Obama wants to make anime illegal.

Where do you people come up with this? No, he doesn't. What on earth?

[Zone] Thanos of Titan@leedskalninfarm: Everything you say is a personal claim.

Along with everything you say, yes.

[Zone] Thranduil Paladinson@Meth_Shadowstorm: Just IGNORE THANOS. He lives for the arguement
[Zone] Ankh Zuh@zuzz44: Pfff, ignoring is boring
[Zone] Thanos of Titan@leedskalninfarm: That is so theist of you

You're starting to severely irritate me, Thanos.

[Zone] Arturus Wolveranis@darthsmurfer: People have a right to choose, while also promoting a standard to help people find a happy medium.
[Zone] Red@windiga: i love people who get personally riled up by other people believing in a religion
[Zone] Seline Lightbringer@PinochetNoir: i love lamp
[Zone] Nova Pearl@milquet0ast: obviously people can choose to be abrasive *)*%$* as well
[Zone] Thanos of Titan@leedskalninfarm: Angry theists are they not.
[Zone] Thierry Montebank@jwedge: Things are getting weird again. It's probably a good thing I'm done with this zone for today.

Oh, how often have I said that...

[Zone] Thranduil Paladinson@Meth_Shadowstorm: THANOS is the Reason IGNORE was created. Goodbye Thanos. We do not have to listen to your childishness
[Zone] Seline Lightbringer@PinochetNoir:
[Zone] Ssyn@termiteking96: why do we love lamp? Should I love lamp too?
[Zone] Thanos of Titan@leedskalninfarm: That is so theist of
you. Angry theists had to choose to ignore.
[Zone] Battlefoot@mitiriz: Lamp provide light. Lamp good.
[Zone] Thanos of Titan@leedskalninfarm: Theists cry like babies when their religion is questioned.

Do they really? As a group, always? I doubt it.

[Zone] Ssyn@termiteking96: Lamp is very good
[Zone] Battlefoot@mitiriz: Battlefoot turn into Solomon Grundy for some reason.
[Zone] Red@windiga: do you really love lamp, or are you just saying it
[Zone] Thanos of Titan@leedskalninfarm: Theists, where you at?
[Zone] Ssyn@termiteking96: I really do love lamp! Where would I be without lamp
[Zone] Ssyn@termiteking96: dark

*snerks* So true.

[Zone] Arturus Wolveranis@darthsmurfer: Thanos, be careful to group people together into one clump. Everyone has their own personal experiences that form their beliefs. Seeking truth, in all its forms, not just intellect.
[Zone] Battlefoot@mitiriz: darkness bad. light good.
[Zone] Thanos of Titan@leedskalninfarm: Yes, I apologize for that.

As well you should.

[Zone] Thranduil Paladinson@Meth_Shadowstorm: Well said Arturus Wolveranis
[Zone] Arturus Wolveranis@darthsmurfer: thank you.
[Zone] Thanos of Titan@leedskalninfarm: But it was fun. They resorted to offensive language.

WHERE?!? Where did they do this? I still don't see it!

[Zone] Thanos of Titan@leedskalninfarm: I just wanted to be proven wrong, that is all.

You can't be proven wrong on a conclusion you'll accept no challenge towards, Thanos.

[Zone] Ankh Zuh@zuzz44: Filthy nonbeliever
[Zone] Arturus Wolveranis@darthsmurfer: well, in my experiences, I've learned there's more than to our existence than what we can see, hear, etc.

And even if we believe in the pure absolutes of mathematical science, there are things we cannot quantify with precision. Quantum mechanics are throwing scientists internationally into merry loops trying to figure them out. And that's nothing that's connected to religion, the supernatural, the mystical in any way.

[Zone] Zralein@Diggle: Thanos is nothing more than a bigot, plain and simple. Spews hatespeak online via his keyboard courage because he undoubtedly feels powerless in real life.
[Zone] Devolich@maptex: I can agree with that Aruturus. Even if it's a limitation of our brain and not something "Godly".
[Zone] Krugar@aerioc: And i've learned that all religion stands on nothing but emotional manipulations and always has
[Zone] Zralein@Diggle: Krugar, that's your opinion / perspective.
[Zone] Arturus Wolveranis@darthsmurfer: well, think of God as an advanced civilization that engineered this Solar System. God is a title that he earned.
[Zone] Ki'ana@starhawke55: and a bad one at that
[Zone] Zralein@Diggle: Matthew 7:6 ftw
[Zone] Valkyrie Randgris@leedskalninfarm: Zralein, you are a childish and ignorant fool. Look people, this is how a theist behaves. So offensive, so traditional.

I've met many atheists who are easily as dogmatic and offensive.

[Zone] Krugar@aerioc: its the education of anyone that has asked questions, and keeps doing so, not those that simply except extraordinary ideas as real
[Zone] Arturus Wolveranis@darthsmurfer: I ignored Zralein long ago. I would suggest the same.
[Zone] Zralein@Diggle: Krugar, your circular logic is flawed. It's your opinion / perspective, nothing more.

Again, his is as flawed, or as valid, as yours.

[Zone] Zralein@Diggle: Valkyrie, your bigotry is your choice. Nice hypocrisy btw.
[Zone] Valkyrie Randgris@leedskalninfarm: People who ask other people to ignore others. So childish.

Not necessarily. It can be a tactic used to foment drama, but here I think it's more being offered as advice on how to avoid argumentative types.

[Zone] Krugar@aerioc: religion itself is a circular argument and it is fantasy supported by fantasy, a belief without evidence
[Zone] Thranduil Paladinson@Meth_Shadowstorm: ADD Krugar to the IGNORE List as well. Goodbye Krugar. Anyone else also have a strong desire to be ignored tonight. All people are entitled to their faith, or even lack of faith, but some just HATE
[Zone] Arturus Wolveranis@darthsmurfer: If people just want to argue, then they're not interested in discussion, only their own opinion matters.


[Zone] Devolich@maptex: Well, I don't know if that is true Arturus. I mean to a point, yeah, I agree. But how far do you take it with this God who created the solar system? Sorry if I'm not phrasing it right.
[Zone] Zralein@Diggle: Krugar, your opinion.
[Zone] Devolich@maptex: Like your parents create you - do you treat them as God? or are they lesser than God because they didn't create more. Like what would be the limits to what you would call God?

"Mother is the word for God in the lips and hearts of little children." William Makepeace Thackeray said that, before the Crow film co-opted it (while changing it slightly). It's true in both instances, though. Parents are the first example of higher powers children have. If their parents are good, they grow up with faith in the world. If their parents are bad, they grow up with doubt, fear, and anger.

[Zone] Thranduil Paladinson@Meth_Shadowstorm: KRUGAR is a circular argument. Nighty night...
[Zone] Krugar@aerioc: your playing a game with real gods in it, reality on the other hand much more than just 'an opinion' it is the inexorable

That's a very odd statement, Krugar.

[Zone] Zralein@Diggle: Krugar, your perception of reality does not make it fact.
[Zone] Gurd Upchuck@ariansmith: Another useless God argument
[Zone] Sha@xhrit: everyone is an athiest

Not everyone, Sha.

[Zone] Sha@xhrit: some just believe in fewer gods then others
[Zone] Devolich@maptex: Everyone is born an atheist :p
[Zone] Arturus Wolveranis@darthsmurfer: well, we have Godly parents who created our refined spirits. We had to be born into this physical realm in order to further the process of becoming more like our Heavenly Parents.

If you say so.

[Zone] Sha@xhrit: everyone is an athiest, their whole lives

Yeah, again, that's just not a true statement.

[Zone] Zralein@Diggle: Many animals are born blind too, Devolich, that doesn't mean that is who they are forever.
[Zone] Arturus Wolveranis@darthsmurfer: There's a reason why the family unit is so familiar.
[Zone] Tempus Thales@lordbane42: Believe whatever you want, just don't harm or belittle others who don't share your belief. My personal opinion.
[Zone] Sha@xhrit: unless they believe in every god, then they don't believel in someone's god

"Believe". And wau, you've just lost all ability with critical thought, haven't you?

[Zone] Zralein@Diggle: Tempus, 100% agreed.
[Zone] Jinxy Amerond@Xe_Jinx: how american to ignore instead of disagree
[Zone] Zralein@Diggle: Intolerance FTL. Silly bigots and their keyboard courage in a game.
[Zone] Krugar@aerioc: lol your proving my claims with the ignores btw its the essence of why u still have faith, you refuse new evidence, hence nothing changes, ever, thats not reality
[Zone] Devolich@maptex: Interested Arturus. What do you mean by "familiar" in the case of the family unit?
[Zone] Thranduil Paladinson@Meth_Shadowstorm: I AGREE with TEMPUS :-)

THANK you for TELLING us. Now STOP shouting, THANK you.

[Zone] Tempus Thales@lordbane42: The world would be a better place if people followed that simple guideline
[Zone] Tempus Thales@lordbane42:
[Zone] Arturus Wolveranis@darthsmurfer: It's important to realize, that all things testify of God. He gives truth to many people throughout time. Part of the overall picture.

Only if you believe in a higher power. Some don't. And the way you're talking throughout this conversation, only if you believe in that particular higher power. Which some don't.

[Zone] Ki'ana@starhawke55: Satan is also a God and also worshipped. That doesn't make the argument anymore true.
[Zone] Paulsaysrawr@thenameisgir: How come everytime I come here, it's a ^#!)%^@ religion debate?

Because people are argumentative twitch widgets that can't leave well enough alone?

[Zone] Zralein@Diggle: Ideas? Only idea I have presented is to be more tolerant of diversity and stop with the bigoted statements.
[Zone] Arturus Wolveranis@darthsmurfer: Lucifer is our brother that didn't get a body nor has a veil of forgetfulness over his mind. He has great knowledge and knows who we are. Jesus is our eldest brother and runs the universe for Father

Uh...what? Clear speaking, please, you're saying...something...and it sounds like cultspeech.

[Zone] Paulsaysrawr@thenameisgir: )%(@%$# satanist?
[Zone] Valkyrie Randgris@leedskalninfarm: Is the religion a choice? Or something given to you by your parents by birth through indoctrination?

...Yes? I mean, in most families, we're raised in the faiths of our family unit. If we grow up in irreligious homes, we're not connected to a faith for the most part. If we're raised in strongly religious homes, we are subsumed into that faith along with mother's milk.

Some families allow choice. Mine did, for instance. (Though that's also one reason why there's no more than three members with any given faith throughout our family, which makes conversation strained at times.)

[Zone] Zralein@Diggle: Faith is a choice.
[Zone] Arturus Wolveranis@darthsmurfer: It is a choice.
[Zone] Paulsaysrawr@thenameisgir: Religion is #!*#@!~%?}+
[Zone] Arturus Wolveranis@darthsmurfer: always a choice.
[Zone] Zralein@Diggle: I have faith but I don't like religion.
[Zone] Valkyrie Randgris@leedskalninfarm: How come it is a choice?

How come it's not?

[Zone] Arturus Wolveranis@darthsmurfer: The War in Heaven was over ideas: Free Agency vs Forcing people to do good.
[Zone] Hea Lannewe@thecraftsmann: did zone chat turn into a theological discussion?
[Zone] Paulsaysrawr@thenameisgir: yes it did

It always does.

[Zone] Arturus Wolveranis@darthsmurfer: people when we choose to server Heavenly Father, we give him honor or power. Vice versa for Satan and his hosts.
[Zone] Arturus Wolveranis@darthsmurfer: serve

Thank you for your correction.

[Zone] Zralein@Diggle: not a discussion, just people asking trolls to stop with their keyboard courage and bigotry lol

Save, no, it did turn into a theological discussion. But as said, it's either religion, politics, or conversations on stockpiling dead hookers, so...really, it's still just not worth my time, most of the time, even to do chat captures at this point.

21 August, 2015

save me from here

[Zone] Boigo Bristletoes@flibbitigibit: especially since you're probably not big enough to actually penetrate her

Wait, what?? There I was, just standing at the temple, sorting through crafting options. I'd just logged in. What on all of Faerûn was going on in Zone chat now?!?

[Zone] Kazi@kazimirxz: is her vag some kind of ocean?
[Zone] Bonerior@randomponeydafuq: o.O

*cue very slow blink*

[Zone] Kazi@kazimirxz: if yes, then i admit i am not big enough.
[Zone] Boigo Bristletoes@flibbitigibit: no, but it's protected by about 3 feet of thigh fat
[Zone] Bonerior@randomponeydafuq: i am.

Brag much?

[Zone] Bonerior@randomponeydafuq: check my name.
[Zone] Bonerior@randomponeydafuq: i'm big enough for anything.
[Zone] Kazi@kazimirxz: -.- shoo.


[Zone] Bonerior@randomponeydafuq: Anyone wants to feel the wrath of my demon boner ?


[Zone] Boigo Bristletoes@flibbitigibit: so if you have a 38 inch (%(!) i congradulate you on it, as well as your secondary circulatory system
[Zone] Bonerior@randomponeydafuq: why thank you.
[Zone] Fen'Harel@reinardd: What a nice conversation you've got here.

Yes. Can it stop soon?

[Zone] Boigo Bristletoes@flibbitigibit: and I feel sorry that you have to play along with my sarcasm to compensate for the tiny #^*! you have in reality
[Zone] Bonerior@randomponeydafuq: hahah. i know right.
[Zone] Kazi@kazimirxz: pwned.
[Zone] Bonerior@randomponeydafuq: it's so small
[Zone] Alana Moonshade@lauren0201: i congratulate whatever woman managed to have it and not die XD
[Zone] Bonerior@randomponeydafuq: ok that made my day.

So...one person's happy. Yay?

[Zone] Bonerior@randomponeydafuq: and someone else's.
[Zone] Bonerior@randomponeydafuq: do you people believe in Jesus?

WHY?!?!?!?! Why does it ALWAYS go to sex or religion?!?!?

[Zone] Kazi@kazimirxz: OMG
[Zone] Kazi@kazimirxz: SHUUU!

Yes! Shoo! Now! Run off somewhere else!

[Zone] Betty Boop@stephthegadget: silence has a lot going for it
[Zone] Boigo Bristletoes@flibbitigibit: Actually yes
[Zone] Bonerior@randomponeydafuq: Jesus loves you all.
[Zone] Kazi@kazimirxz: Omfg.
[Zone] Bonerior@randomponeydafuq: carry him within your hearts.

Says the man with the self-named "demon boner".

[Zone] Fen'Harel@reinardd: It's a weird thing when 38 inch @!))# makes your day. I feel violated.
[Zone] Laeral Astram@tang56: Is Jesus some kind of hemerroid cream?


[Zone] Kazi@kazimirxz: No, Jesus only loves me.
[Zone] Kazi@kazimirxz: Kay? Jesus is ma' best friend.
[Zone] Brizae Huniryn@maxbergen24: he would have to know jesus to have a 38incher
[Zone] Bonerior@randomponeydafuq: how about Jesus is a 38incher himself?

So, from 'Y'all need Jesus' to 'Jesus is a dildo' in under five minutes. Wau. That's very nearly impressive.

[Zone] Boigo Bristletoes@flibbitigibit: I actually know a girl who took 48" of hose up her $!! on a dare
[Zone] Kazi@kazimirxz: SHUUUUUUUUUUU
[Zone] Kazi@kazimirxz: WAIT WUT.
[Zone] Kazi@kazimirxz: wat.

That was my question, yes.

[Zone] Astrid Turaud@solanea: grrrrrrrrrrrr... why does camera shake keep turning itself back on??
[Zone] Bonerior@randomponeydafuq: cus you've been visited by Jesus
[Zone] Kazi@kazimirxz: the camera is fapping.
[Zone] Betty Boop@stephthegadget: time to leave==

Betty is very wise. I fled back to SL, where at least I can cope with the range of sexual deviance most of the time.

18 August, 2015

she'd been coughing up blood since the dogwoods bloomed

Different day, different Zone, kind of the same nonsense:

[Zone] Azaghal@keithmaster: lfg pillage
[Zone] Azaghal@keithmaster: the pillar
[Zone] Azaghal@keithmaster: anyone?
[Zone] Dama@julietterror: no me escuchas???

Wau, that's childish.


That's seriously annoying, and pretty pointless.

[Zone] Kermit@rasamantu: any channel crab up?

Currently, I'm in an area where combatants group together to fight a giant crab. No, really. It's amusing.

[Zone] Yokki@yokki1: enjoy the ignore list deathshi**er
[Zone] Dante Sparda@reensha:

To be fair, no one's earned it more.

[Zone] Kermit@rasamantu: any channel crab up?

What are you, five?!? What is this accomplishing?

[Zone] Diabolic@ckotoc666: ignore this prick
[Zone] DeathGiver@tehgreenassassin: dafuq
[Zone] Shawna Chandler@xaeiownux: indeed
[Zone] DeathGiver@tehgreenassassin: u stoopid bech
[Zone] Kermit@rasamantu: inv crab
[Zone] DeathGiver@tehgreenassassin: POOP

I suppose we should all be thankful you just didn't bash your forehead on the 'O' key as usual--


Wait, what? That's a second guy!

[Zone] DeathGiver@tehgreenassassin: POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPY SH*************************************************************************T

And that's when I blocked him...

And then, after thought, went back and blocked Paczu for good measure. Because no one needs this in a game.

09 August, 2015

then mommy and daddy will probably turn and quickly walk away

[Zone] Demo@demortenes: god*

Gorram it, I just got here. Are we talking religion again??

[Zone] Sargonnas@sliverspark: WEll said, Kai

Depends on what Kai said.

[Zone] Kat Lightouch@iszuule: that epic moment when you relize she was lying about being pregant

So first religion, now pregnant girlfriends...Still confused.

Also, it's "realize", as well as "pregnant".

[Zone] Rico@primeevil84uk: Luna, i dont give a coitus
[Zone] Rico@primeevil84uk: Luna, i dont give a coitus
[Zone] Luna@totallyfresh01: the problem is you repeating yourself Rico, cut that $#@% out

I see why that would be annoying; no idea how long it's gone on, though. I'm still playing catch-up, here.

[Zone] Erestar@kiryn010: no clue why they started attacking me. some sort of reputation thing maybe? all I know is they killed me often
Wait, this was out of left field.

[Zone] Rico@primeevil84uk: you never f*ck with the archers!
[Zone] The Spider@lucemferrata: You probably killed some elf prince

Well, that's never good in a fantasy game. Never kill the elf prince. It won't end well.

[Zone] Avedis@avethisfirst: hi girls

Mu<[Zone] Kat Lightouch@iszuule: why only say hi to girls...you sexist $!*#^)%


[Zone] Sargonnas@sliverspark: lol
[Zone] Rico@primeevil84uk: ??? ?? ??????? ??? ????????? ?????????? ?????????
[Zone] Dufas@throsbi: so much love
[Zone] Jinx Quickshot@sockmunkey: I didnt think there were any girls on the interwebs


[Zone] Rûn@ksprowl: Vorpal ?[Zone] Dufas@throsbi: girls are a myth

*sighs louder*

[Zone] Kat Lightouch@iszuule: if it isn't spit it isn't love


[Zone] saad99@saadislam98: Guys
[Zone] Kat Lightouch@iszuule: GIRL == Guy In Real Life

Die on fire.

[Zone] Leeloo@monkeybankalt: Pfft, girls don't play games

Die on fire covered in fire ants.

[Zone] Dark Shiva@blacksladdi: oh girls play games alright
[Zone] Dragana@shadowplax: ofc we do ..
[Zone] Dark Shiva@blacksladdi: mind games!
[Zone] Rico@primeevil84uk: they do
[Zone] The Spider@lucemferrata: I gotta log off before someone says something stupid about females

You're too late.

[Zone] katieecat@katieecat12: im a girl and I play games.
[Zone] The Spider@lucemferrata: you dont even know
[Zone] Jinx Quickshot@sockmunkey: any girl that says they are a girl isnt a girl at all. of course thats the kind of mind games that girls are good at

Great, now there's no way to win. If we don't tell folks we're female, then we're being mean. If we DO say we're female, we're lying to people. What's the point?

[Zone] Halfpint@bulzeye316: so many whine assses on today
[Zone] Rico@primeevil84uk: Jinx Quickshot, u just made up a paradox
[Zone] Zeydor@schnieder11: no, when a girl says they are a girl...they are a girl....Guy In Real Life

Yeah, done with that joke now. So very done.

[Zone] Kat Lightouch@iszuule: girls don't intentionally play mind games.. it's just their brain is incappable of logical linear thought processes
So very nearly done with capturing this chat for posterity.

[Zone] Butterfly Demonbane@Turtlegarden-Whalesong: yyou seem to be full of fertilizer today gents :)
[Zone] David Bowie@zoiks100: No, when a guy says they're a girl, they're the FBI

Only on certain forum sites.

[Zone] Kat Lightouch@iszuule: Welcome to the internet.. where the men are men, the women are men, and anyone under 18 has a *.gov host mask
[Zone] Liir@sifaa: who gives a %$!! what they are, i assume most players are dude unless they say otherwise
[Zone] Badass Sonofab@fuacccreation: and when your mom says she loves you ... she lies

Cynicism abounds.

[Zone] Nor@Norisman: Hell yea all the women in my life play game, head games, mind games power play games sure they do all women play game lol :P
[Zone] Argoloth@roman1968: i'm a girl.......guy in real life


[Zone] Kat Lightouch@iszuule: i assume all players are guys untill there is a skype session to prove otherwise
Sounds awfully judgmental. Or blackmail-y.

[Zone] Zeydor@schnieder11: yes we know Argo
[Zone] Zeydor@schnieder11: i agree with you Kat
[Zone] Zeydor@schnieder11: thats not sexist lol
[Zone] Rico@primeevil84uk: Kat, i dont care ). I'm not even english-speaker natively...
[Zone] Zeydor@schnieder11: its relying on statistics, more men play games than females

If you say so.

[Zone] Leeloo@monkeybankalt: how have I been logged in for 10 minutes, and not had to ignore even a single spammer?
You've had a lovely day, then.

[Zone] Dark Shiva@blacksladdi: maybe you have successfully ignored them all
[Zone] Kat Lightouch@iszuule: i think the devs banned china for a day
[Zone] Argoloth@roman1968: yep, you win 20 internets
[Zone] Sappho@Huddicles: hey, you`re right. none. must be a spammer holy day.
[Zone] David Bowie@zoiks100: Another gold spammer who whispers people, @bomione777. Ignore them now if you want to avoid the friend request.

Which was somewhat amusing, as earlier in this chat I had ignored a random friend request from bomione777. Guess it was a good thing.

[Zone] Karma@marks87: Since ANGEL OF DEATH make Thief hes always bad now!!...
[Zone] Rico@primeevil84uk: awww
[Zone] Rico@primeevil84uk: so much butthurt i sense
[Zone] ANGEL OF DEATH@godofcws: nice deflect

But you're not challenging the thief accusation? Interesting.

[Zone] Dufas@throsbi: everyone on the internet is a pixelated bot
[Zone] Durzo Blint@graysoncross: *looks to my right at my daughter playing* GOD I HOPE NOT
[Zone] Abriel Angelfyre@deus69xxx: not necessarily, however, they should be considered guyys until proven otherwise.

This "proof" thing I am finding irritating, and suggests a basic contempt for the ability to tell the truth on the internet.

[Zone] Sophie Terra@sinastarfriedric: I thought I could play here, but you're disgusting
Kinda agree, Sophie.

[Zone] David Bowie@zoiks100: Everyone on the internet is simply training Skynet to become a better killing machine.
[Zone] Crotalidus@nwcsnake: It's true, the place is infested with scumbags

Your name makes that a very true statement...

[Zone] Dufas@throsbi: its ok Sophie Terra just wash when you log out, it will be ok
[Zone] Durzo Blint@graysoncross: all MMOs are invested with scum bags.. u just have to find the not so scummy to associate with

Or just don't read Zone chat.

[Zone] Nor@Norisman: Don't let the trols here in PE zone turn you off of the game, it's only bad here in this zone, gets a lot better the higher level you get closer to lvl60 less and less trols, because the spend so much
[Zone] Luna@totallyfresh01: although praying levels you up whether ya like it or not

Actually, that's been pretty true. There's much less nonsense in the higher zones of the game, because people are busy either discussing what's happening in that zone, or are just not idiots in the first place. Small blessings.

06 August, 2015

I'm sure you'll have some cosmic rationale

From Ms. Mohini Denja's profile (credited, because it's beautifully put, and I think she deserves the credit):
There's no 'right answer' when it comes to polyamory vs. monogamy. It's a personal choice, based on the capabilities of those involved in the relationship. To call someone a 'slut', 'whore', etc simply because they do not conform to your way of thinking is immature, to say the very least.

Now, I'm all for hearing the side of monogamy and how it works for someone who chooses it. But in doing so, I would expect one to hold the conversation with a civil tongue, as I'm sure they would expect the same from me.

In short, if you are not educated on the subject, or blindly live your life with your fingers in your ears while spewing venom to anyone who sees differently than you, kindly close your computer, take a deep breath, and remember we're all human.
Indeed. Perfectly said, Ms. Denja, thank you.

Even though I don't often follow her excellent advice, I do agree with it.

Why shop in lingerie? Serious question, and 'because she can' is not the answer I'm looking for.

And a last little bit from Neverwinter Zone chat:

[Zone] Merklyn@Meth_Shadowstorm: what icreases gear score?
[Zone] Kinheele@hellwinkle: better gear


02 August, 2015