21 December, 2013

with thankful heart and joyful mind

There's a very random grouping of gifts at the Snowville Winter Fair in Boutou; all are free, but they're everything from really nice mesh minis to holiday trees to scarves to furry skating skirts. Still, check it out if you're interested, and follow the beacon if you're dropped off at the ballroom, not Santa's workshop.

There are also a few holiday gifts out at OhLaLa--some on the front desk, more under the tree. Again a mixed bag, but interestingly so, at least.

ModaMia also has some gifts out under their tree--they seem to be mostly womenswear separates, holiday corsets and tank tops, with some accessories and I think one stuffed animal? Not sure if it's a teddy bear with a hat, or just a teddy bear package, frankly.

And for the enhanced crowd, there's another grouping of holiday gifts under the S.L.A.D. tree (in Maple Valley, an Adult sim). They're all free, and barring the purely mesh items, they all have Phat Azz appliers, Lolas Tangos appliers, or both. (I noticed at least two skins and a henna tattoo in the mix, as well.)

But what I really want to talk about is fawns.

Specifically, this one. The Fawn of Shiallia.

The Fawn of Shiallia is a magical young creature who gleams with a radiant green glow, sprouts flowers anywhere it walks, adds a regeneration effect to those near it, and heals adventurers with which it travels. It's also the single most expensive pet to acquire during the Winter Festival on Neverwinter.

It's...not always graceful. But more to the point is how the community has taken to this fawn, in...well, very unusual ways. To wit:
[Zone] Delinquent@salvatus69: The Fawn Strikes Back
[Zone] MrGIANT@flashburn99: I-fawn
[Zone] emmy@shivakid: Califawnia girls
[Zone] Delirium Mortis@deliriummortis: The Good the Bad and the Fawnly
[Zone] MrGIANT@flashburn99: Cell-fawns
[Zone] Zanlamar Odea@theflingueur: Some people just wanna watch the world fawn
Getting the idea? It went on like this:
[Zone] Bilbo Baggins@qwikshot16nd: All Fawns Go To Heaven
[Zone] Aelar Darksbane@honyokill: for a few fawns more
[Zone] Korom@Noctar0: what the fawn
[Zone] Quimizael Halaudra@k3ll0: Call of Fawnez
[Zone] Dark Loki@killergilnyc1: fawntastic four
[Zone] SnEaKy-HoBBiT@jibby015: this is keeping things fawn while fishing lol
[Zone] Shae Ruzhan@rhonesardan: Fawndingo
[Zone] Loriel@xxultima: Fawnophobia..
[Zone] Zero Angelbane@rhtb4theeyeblnk: grumpy old fawn
[Zone] Jeronor@mjjolnor: Stop me before I fawn again!!!
[Zone] Bilbo Baggins@qwikshot16nd: Fawnablanca
[Zone] Beiro Silentread@vendicius: Austin Powers: The Fawn who Shagged Me
[Zone] MrGIANT@flashburn99: Fawnoccio
[Zone] Tricksterwind@tricksterwind: Fawntiful Creatures
[Zone] Erisell@JuliaShade: Fawn Sawyer and Buckleberry Fin
[Zone] Stasi Swiftarrow@skywoulf: Fawntasia
[Zone] Grimmace@exiledyoshi: Fawnty and the Beast
[Zone] Miri Woodsheart@oceanocean: Genghis Fawn
[Zone] Arayia Moonshadow@lali313: The Maltese Fawncon
[Zone] Canagan Brooke@igiveup2: The Legend of Boggy Fawn
[Zone] Delirium Mortis@deliriummortis: Sonic the Hedgefawn
Yeah, I don't think this particular fawn is that fast...
[Zone] Dark Loki@killergilnyc1: The Fawntom of the Opera
[Zone] Leinad@darthvala: The Arctic Fawns
[Zone] Bilbo Baggins@qwikshot16nd: Romeo and Fawniette
[Zone] Raul Blackband@floingis: FAWNNY AND CLYDE
[Zone] Delirium Mortis@deliriummortis: The Fawnth of July
[Zone] Arcane Vices@borghandler: Dr. Strangefawn
[Zone] Zenobia@scorpio666corpse: Live Fawn or die!
[Zone] Bear@dan67: May the Fawn be with you
[Zone] ThunderWolf@thunderwolf567: Fawnward Scissorhands
[Zone] Aelar Darksbane@honyokill: Fawning in the Rain
[Zone] Dark Loki@killergilnyc1: Mrs. Doubtfawn
Now I'm seeing a plumply padded fawn in a housedress with a mock English accent. Eep.
[Zone] Morthos Vicelord@aoblue32: the cold light of fawn
[Zone] Bilbo Baggins@qwikshot16nd: Fawn Wars
[Zone] Delirium Mortis@deliriummortis: Uncle Fawn needs YOU!
[Zone] hvy smoker@haladale: can i fawn you later
[Zone] Mary Jane Toker@imnotnothigh: Fawn of the Dead
[Zone] Adinimys@awittyhalfwit: Honey I Shrunk the Fawn
[Zone] SnEaKy-HoBBiT@jibby015: Clash of the Fawntans
[Zone] MamaJo@angelbear31: Don't make fawn of ME
[Zone] Elizia The Devoted@b100d31f: ALL YOUR FAWN ARE BELONG TO US
[Zone] Walker Bohl@romsebastian: Star Trek: Fawnesis
[Zone] Dark Loki@killergilnyc1: FAWNKENSTEIN
[Zone] Lucius Van Helsing@Lourdie: The Dark Fawn Rises
Dark faun? I can get behind that...
[Zone] Canagan Brooke@igiveup2: SOMEONE SET US UP THE FAWN
[Zone] Adinimys@awittyhalfwit: Monty Python and the Holy Fawn
[Zone] xSimox@truesevenfold: The Fawn Identity, Fawn Supremacy and The Fawn Ultimatium
[Zone] Delirium Mortis@deliriummortis: Shut the Fawn door
[Zone] MamaJo@angelbear31: Stop Or My Fawn Will Shoot
[Zone] Elanthis Silverkin@elanthis2: Fawns of the Carribean
[Zone] raven darkblade@restuss: and she had fawn, fawn, fawn 'til her daddy took her unicorn away...
[Zone] Bilbo Baggins@qwikshot16nd: The Hunchback of Notre Fawn
[Zone] Dronin@mixmasterflex: fawn'wwww [Zone] Arayia Moonshadow@lali313: Sherlock Holmes and Fawn Watson
Personally, I might have gone with "Forelock Holmes" for that one...
[Zone] Jeronor@mjjolnor: The Holy Hand-Grenade of Anti-Fawn
[Zone] V.V@Fasinfil: Fawnadu
[Zone] Garrick Swift@zannkind: Fawntastic Four
[Zone] Dark Loki@killergilnyc1: The Real Fawnwives of Atlanta
[Zone] emmy@shivakid: Fawnyuns
[Zone] Aelar Darksbane@honyokill: don't use the fawn's name in vain
[Zone] Elrilion@Elrilion: Anybody seen Pulp Fawntion?
[Zone] Hanalesia Bonaduce@matteo273: Enter the Fawn
[Zone] Quimizael Halaudra@k3ll0: Fawn's Labyrinth
[Zone] Stasi Swiftarrow@skywoulf: "To Fawn or Not To Fawn, that is the question....."
[Zone] SnEaKy-HoBBiT@jibby015: Fawn Almighty
[Zone] Eudaimon@Mereologist: That's all fawn with me.
[Zone] Quimizael Halaudra@k3ll0: A Fawn Too Far
[Zone] Paulzz@paullzz: One does not simply fawn into Mordor
[Zone] Hanalesia Bonaduce@matteo273: Im fawning asleep
[Zone] Canagan Brooke@igiveup2: Dances with Fawns
[Zone] ThunderWolf@thunderwolf567: Transformers: Revenge of the Fawn
That...doesn't sound like the best idea, actually...
[Zone] Garrick Swift@zannkind: It's a Fawnderful Life
[Zone] Elrilion@Elrilion: Silence of the Fawns?
[Zone] Dark Loki@killergilnyc1: How I Met Your Fawn
[Zone] Arya Ellenwell@ellellellelle: transfawners
[Zone] kingkush@masterdebater666: black fawn down
[Zone] Crim Legion@qryraen: Lord of the Fawns: The Fellowship of the Fawn
[Zone] Eudaimon@Mereologist: Breaking Fawn.
[Zone] Tricksterwind@tricksterwind: Ghostfawnsters
[Zone] Lytheh@nivacs31: Fawning Nemo
[Zone] Jeronor@mjjolnor: Jane Doe: The Fawn Society
[Zone] Majorana@TauLept0n: Quadrofawnia
[Zone] Quimizael Halaudra@k3ll0: Bohemian Fawnsody
[Zone] WTB PVP CONTENT@concubines: Neverwinter Fawnline
And three hours in, they were still going strong. And the next few hours. And later that night. And the next afternoon...And it's still occasionally popping up and taking over chat in the strangest ways.
[Zone] Xeen@mojoslackman: I wanted to type in bold but they don't support that fawnt
[Zone] Kayang@tofumengy: did you say hotel califawnia?
And yes, at this point, even the repeats are repeating. I'm thinking it's becoming pandemic.

Or at least fawndemic.

After all, the first rule of Fawn Club is...never mind.