28 August, 2011

the smell of hospitals in winter

This is both beautiful, and disturbing. The wax casting is phenomenal, and I truly believe taken from a live model; if not, then it's even more impressive. But for me, the fact that she's a candle means she's going to go from beauty to horror the longer she burns.

(Plus, the back of her gown looks like her spine's been removed...but that's likely just me.)
[03:07] "TSG" Iliana Lucky Board whispers: Sorry, your name begins with n.
[03:07] "TSG" Lillith Lucky Board whispers: Sorry, your name begins with n.
[03:07] "TSG" Genevieve Lucky Board whispers: Sorry, your name begins with n.
[03:07] "TSG" Stella Lucky Board whispers: Sorry, your name begins with n.
[03:07] "TSG" Random Lucky Board whispers: Sorry, your name begins with n.
[03:07] Emilly Orr: S, C, Q, I, Q
[03:08] Yoon [something or other I can't be bothered to remember]: S, T, F, U, B
[03:08] Yoon [something or other I can't be bothered to remember]: sorry .. had to type that

[03:08] Emilly Orr: .....
[03:09] Emilly Orr: Yes, thank you for being five. It could have been that the boards weren't rezzed in yet.
[03:09] Emilly Orr: Sometimes it helps to know what's ON the board.
So, I learned this trick over at Dare Designs. They've got a pretty professional crew there; any time anyone new ports in, any time one of the chairs changes a letter, someone calls it. Because in busy sims, or sims that haven't had a restart in a while, it can take a bit for things to rez in. Especially with lucky boards and chairs, this means waiting and not knowing which board's going to be what. Sometimes it helps.

All night long I had been doing this in Sugar Garden's back room. New people came in, boards changed, some people tapped who weren't group members and I gave them the group SLUrl to become members...I wasn't doing it to correct, or be bitchy, or be anything but helpful.
[03:15] Emilly Orr: Oh, and Yoon? You're not sorry, or you wouldn't have typed it in the first place. The least you can do after insulting someone is stand behind your words.
[03:15] Emilly Orr: Which you manifestly failed to do.
[03:18] Yoon [something or other I can't be bothered to remember]: sorry, what are you talking about?
[03:19] Emilly Orr: Again with the sorry.
[03:21] Yoon [something or other I can't be bothered to remember]: Y, O, N, L, B

[03:21] Emilly Orr shrugs.
[03:21] Yoon [something or other I can't be bothered to remember]: you should have done that from the very beginning
[03:22] Emilly Orr: From the very beginning I was trying to help someone. I've done it in the past, and I'll do it again.
I know it is a small and petty thing from a small and petty person. But it bugged me. I shouldn't have let it, but I was overtired, and I let it get to me.
[03:26] Yoon [something or other I can't be bothered to remember]: and if you will visit luckyboards in the future more often you will notice that if people type out the letters other people will answer with other typed out letters... and 5 is not easy ... thats why i said sorry
[03:26] Yoon [something or other I can't be bothered to remember]: get used to it
[03:27] Emilly Orr: Aww, that's precious.
[03:28] Emilly Orr: Save for the fact that I've been here, and at other lucky boards, rather a lot. Sometimes finding out what the letters are helps.
And again, all I was trying to do was to keep things running smoothly, and help out.

Apparently that's not wanted.

But at least we know that she struggles with her immaturity. As she said, being five isn't easy. Here's to her beating those horrible odds when she finally turns six.


Icterus Dagger said...

I've no idea WHY I'm asking this, but.... what does YONLB mean? I know what STFUB is, but the other letters?

Don't let loons like Yoon deter you from helping out, though. Idiots win too many times as it is!


Emilly Orr said...

I have no idea. I even searched it on net shorthand terms, and as far as I know, she was either just typing random letters for her own obscure reasons, or it's a contraction that only makes sense to her.

And I won't, it was just strange--in all my time on SL, I've never had someone react negatively to anyone repeating the letters on lucky boards or chairs. I think that says something right there.

Deoridhe said...

I once got yelled at for "spamming" in a group when I was calling the group letters. A bunch of other people thanked me at that point, but it left a bad taste in my mouth.

Emilly Orr said...

It tends to. It is ever easier for us to remember negative interactions than positive reinforcement.

I am letting it go, but I am also petty enough to blog on it in the first place.