20 July, 2011

this sublimation's out of my hands

Has anyone ever considered recording an entire album of kitten mixes?

And rest assured, this contains no specific Potter spoilers...at least, not to anything that actually happened...

There's a new JIRA to watch, though it's not a problem for me. Unfortunately, it's unlikely to ever see daylight again, as it's been summarily closed after filing. Why? Because it duplicates an internal-browser display issue.

The JIRA in question is about login and scaling difficulties on the main screen of Viewer 2. It has nothing to do with the internal browser display issue. Yet it's been linked--by Kurt Linden--and then closed. By Kurt Linden.

The problem with that linkage? No one can track down the issue he's linked. It either doesn't exist, or is locked from public view. This doesn't strike me as a good thing, either way.

This is a beautiful idea. Type a domain in--click the button--it checks to see if it's available, AND will tell you whether or not it's down just for you, or for everyone. That's phenomenal.

And scientists have discovered a new, far more fuel-efficient, solar battery. There's only a few problems. First, they haven't invented the substance they're theorizing--though they seem pretty clear on the concept that it's viable, and could be made. Second, the theoretical compound would release energy in the form of heat, which would then need to be slaved to create electricity, to power devices. (Which may make it far less cost-effective in the long run...assuming they can invent the substance.)

Still, it's fascinating, and even more fascinating when paired with carbon tubes--it seems that, in proximity of carbon nano-tubes, this chemical compound actually works better.

I'm now wondering if anyone has thought of nanotube-fiber clothing laced with this compound. Self-warming sweaters? Self-warming boots and gloves?

The only drawback I see--is azobenzene carcinogenic? I don't think anyone's asked that question.

It seems an unpleasant link has surfaced between media pirates and movie companies--they're some of the biggest supporters the industry has. On average, so-called "pirates" buy more DVDs, attend more theatre showings, and watch more films than people who have never downloaded off the net.

Amid an outcry from privacy rights protesters and Congressional rights advocates, police in several regions are employing iris scans, sometimes using face-recognizing software. The technologically intriguing aspect to this? They're doing it using software developed for the iPhone.

Remember when Wil Wheaton was on Star Trek: The Next Generation? Remember that episode where they went forward in time and interacted with an adult Wesley Crusher?

They were a little off on Wesley's future appearance.

(The top entry at the time of posting dealt with con etiquette and safety tips, and I think it's worth reblogging. That specifically addresses San Diego's ComicCon, but really, it applies to any convention. Those are all good solid dependable rules.)

Finally, there's apparently a new exploit viewer out there, people, and at least a few have noticed avatars attacking their vending systems. Be careful, merchants. Watch your transaction history, and AR anyone repeatedly paying 1 or 0 Lindens, whether they get goods delivered or not. Read the thread linked for more information.


Winter said...

Yep, I got one of these "gimme free" exploiters in my shop today. She didn't get anything, of course.. well.. except banned.

Emilly Orr said...

Why in the hell do people do that? It mystifies me. They're going to get banned, their names are going to be circulated, and they'll be banned from other places; so why on earth do they think it's a good idea?

I don't get people sometimes. I really don't. The link I put up mentioned a merchant who was actually IMed back by the idiot she banned, protesting her ban of him! When he'd tried to rip her off on the off-chance she had bugged vendors! The incomprehensible level of nerve that requires...

Winter said...

This is why I stopped IMing people to tell them when they get banned. Frankly if I could find the "Mute" button, I'd mute her preemptively as well.

Why do people do it? Well it's human nature to try and get away with something. This exact reason is why game forums don't let you post about exploits publicly. Because a HUGE percentage of the population will read about the exploit, and say "Oh really?" and then go test it out.

"If you got to the main page on your bank's website and click the upper corner of the logo, your balance increases by 500$"... who wouldn't try that?

Do I think that the person who did this was a habitual "black hat" looking to scam me? She only tapped one vendor, so I have to assume no. But she DID tap it, knowing that if it worked, she'd be stealing. That's what got her banned.

I'm sure most of these situations start as someone normally good, who hears this is possible, and goes and tries it. The problem is that when it works, they get punch-drunk, and start hitting every store they can think of "just to test their vendors"... as if they're some kind of one-person consumer reports.

Most vendors nowadays have "if money paid isn't equal to price, return money paid, and deliver nothing"... so this is really a very old exploit that most people don't have to concern themselves with. I'm not sure how "Sell Contents" boxes deal with this situation though.

It is a fairly easy noob mistake though, to not check the amount paid and the price, and just put "deliver product" when the money event is triggered.

Emilly Orr said...

Prim vendors--both 'sell contents' and 'sell copy of prim' versions--can't be hacked in this way. They sell for the price set, period. If you pay the wrong price, you've done something impressive, because you *can't* pay the wrong price to most of them.

Actually, I think that's it, it's the difference between 'buy' and 'pay', I think.