06 February, 2011

it looks like some kaleidescopic breathing exercise

So...in flipping by the blog to update a link, I caught the date on the last entry.


There are two reasons: first, Miss Neome decided it was time for a subscription to City of Heroes for me, and I've somewhat fallen into that (and on the side, I've been trying to give Champions Online an honest shot, and...so far that's not going well); and second, there are some issues in the meatspace going on that stalled me (and likely for a few more days).

For those of you who might worry, don't, so much; it's not something huge like cancer, it's just larger than I'd like to deal with of an evening. So.

The train temporarily derailed, but for once, due to no relationship-based implosion. Yay for me.

I'll be back with posts soon.


Aunt Foggy said...

Thanks for checking in, was just starting to get concerned :)

Emilly Orr said...

Honestly, normally I'm more attentive to the blog. Several days just slipped by me. Or several days attacked me all at once RL, your choice. :)

Rhianon Jameson said...

Take care of yourself, Miss Orr. We're not going anywhere.

Emilly Orr said...

Well...unless Second Life folds mysteriously for some reason...

(Not saying it will. Just saying the staff at the Labs seem determined to push things in that direction.)

Rhianon Jameson said...

Well, whatever happens to Linden Lab and Second Life, I'm not going anywhere. Unless I suddenly pass on, or something, and I very much hope to avoid that for some years. :)

Emilly Orr said...

Good point! Let me not wish ill to anyone here. :)