12 December, 2010

we got it wrong from the start

Valve hates us. (That's part one; there's also part two, part three and part four.)

From Vasha Martinek's profile (to Dysturbed Sin, natch):

On days like today, I realize that I'd give you the other gun and half my bullets. Without you having to ask. It must be love.

Wau, it must be. That's a huge compliment.

So, Winter Ventura, out of the blue today, sent me this:


Doesn't that look amazing on the mantle? Probably look even cooler in homes that aren't set on 100% black wood and black stone textures...but still.

Even cuter? This is the back of it:


Wau. Just wau. It has present radio stations (including holiday ones!), it's very low-prim, and the internal card can be modified to put in your own favorite tunesmiths. Lovely little bit of work.

You can find it at Eclectic Randomness' Healy annex store, or her main store in Kloimar. (I b'lieve her main store is Adult-verified only, but the Healy annex store isn't.)

Gift cards, btw, are available for all her holiday items, and I think everything else, so you don't have to worry about buying something and then not being able to transfer it. Go Winter!

In further news of people sending me random things, Miss sachi Vixen sent me an advance copy of her new Lena skin (at the time, not out; but, at this late date, out):


Just gorgeous. I meant to go back and take fancier pictures, without the cat ears and eyes, but I never got around to it. I was just standing around the land office in these. Still, this says something, I think.


If it looks this good in regular system light, no facelights, no special post-processing, no Photoshop enhancements...think how good it will look if you're actually in a human shape (I was in the kittyshape, naturally), and you pull a little effort together with the facelights or the post-processing.

The lips are just divine on this skin. You can go get her in the Skins section of the Adam & Even main store.

And while we're on A&E, she sent me a pack of eyes. This is taking a while to photograph, because there were a TON of things in the pack. But it's from her new fantasy eyes collection, and they're well worth a trip down to the store to check those out, too.





Cannot remember if the eyes are next to skins still, so if you go here to their lobby, there'll be a map with eyes marked. Just click that to teleport directly there. I'm going to have to go retake the eye shots, though, because a) as much as I love Winterfell, eternal twilight does not good eye pics make, and b) I can't remember which ones these were.

Save for the first pic. Those are called "Dampsong".

Lastly, I'm now a contributor for the Metaverse Daily! What does that mean? Absolutely nothing other than someone wandered over to the blog and dragged something off for republication. It's more views, I guess, and ordinarily I wouldn't mind, but there was a Twitter post in the publisher's feed that made it sound like I'd been hired as a contributor.

And, y'know, wouldn't mind that, but I certainly wouldn't volunteer for it, you know?


Anonymous said...

The Metaverse Daily isn't really a paper, per se. It's one instance of an annoyingly spammy twitter aggregation service. There's some more information at http://paper.li/ , and you can opt out of being mentioned in automated tweets from the service (but not from being included in the aggregation) by tweeting "stop mentions" to @NewsCrier.

Emilly Orr said...

Really? I may block him on general principle.