fighting through the din and accolades

I can't decide if this is part of what's wrong with SL, or part of what's right with it. All I know is: she's pretty, she seems fun, and she NEEDS TO LEARN TO SPELL.

Seen at the ::nostos:: ::deer:: sim:

fish,Second Life,games

Twitching fish. Seriously:


Then, seen at Blue Blood:

Second Life,games,click,osmosis

This is a new craze I am desperately hoping does not catch on. Miss Gypsy Dyrssen of Osmosis Gadgets designed this, and the concept is simple: click the board for fifteen minutes. If you get more clicks registered than anyone else clicking the board? The board sends you the prize. The board then resets, and...someone else tries to win. By clicking the board. For fifteen minutes straight.

Brutal on the hands.

Now, by going to the main store, I might have picked up the trick of how to win at it...but I'm not sure it works so I'm not going to say it here.

(But I'll try it next time I stop by and let you know if it works.)


Rhianon Jameson said...

The click war business was clearly developed by people who make money from treating repetitive strain injuries. It's worse than ambulance-chasing lawyers; it would be as though the lawyer helped create the accident in the first place!

Emilly Orr said...

No doubt!

I did the run ONCE; serious wrist pain issues. Came back the next day and NO one was at the board. I clicked twice, had two consecutive touches register...then ten minutes later, got the prize.

So my Sekrit Trick of Winning...didn't, so much, but I got the dress anyway. Yay?

©Suzanne Woolcott sw3740 Tema diseñado por: compartidisimo