06 January, 2010

if I'm going down, then I'm doing down good

And another day in the life on Team Fortress 2...part II!

Valve,Team Fortress 2,fire,burning,death,war,comedy

10001011101 again as a Soldier, shooting me to death with a rocket. A note: when a player guns you down twice--and you didn't kill them once in between times--they become your Nemesis. At that point, the game puts a little boxing-glove combat graphic over your head, presumably--at least in my case--to make you feel even worse when you fail to gun them down again.

Valve,Team Fortress 2,fire,burning,death,war,comedy

Valve is so helpful when you get blown to bits--they do their best trying to identify which bit landed where.

Valve,Team Fortress 2,fire,burning,death,war,comedy

Oops. He looks angry.

Guess I shouldn't have toasted his Medic.

Valve,Team Fortress 2,fire,burning,death,war,comedy

This is what happens when you round the corner just in time for a Medic to unleash the Ubercharge. Ubercharge makes everyone connected to it shiny--and invulnerable to all damage.

Damn it.

Valve,Team Fortress 2,fire,burning,death,war,comedy

Considering how much death and dismemberment goes on in Team Fortress 2, there's not a stunning amount of gore and violence--at least, realistically speaking. Pull up the full size of this and you'll see what happened the instant after I died at the hands of CEDA; it's like tomato soup in a blender.

With boots.

Valve,Team Fortress 2,fire,burning,death,war,comedy

You can earn achievements for doing things in the game, depending on which class you are. Burning a Medic to death who's just captured a point? Is one of them.

Sorry, Fawkes.

Valve,Team Fortress 2,fire,burning,death,war,comedy

When you win a round of TF2, you get a little pop-up telling you so. When the winning side gets this, they get a little free-range mayhem--several seconds where they can run around taking heads. Normally this means fire, shooting, or stabbing, but at least in one case--the Demo-man when he's equipped with the Eyelander sword--it will literally take heads.

Valve,Team Fortress 2,fire,burning,death,war,comedy

You unlock enough achievements--it's generally eleven for the first one in any class, and from there it varies--and you get special weapon 'drops' that the game hands you. They can be special event drops--I have a crumpled top hat that originally came out during the Halloween event--or ones tailored to your class.

This is the Flare Gun. The flare gun is a reasonably long range weapon that shoots ammunition at any enemy which will light them on fire. I am in love with this weapon. It's made burning people to death SO much easier.


Valve,Team Fortress 2,fire,burning,death,war,comedy

Welcome to the Spy's secret hell. The Spy is a fun character. They creep around cloaked and invisible, or disguised as someone else on the enemy team. But when a Pyro lights them on fire...well, it really doesn't matter if it's just a bunch of flames running around, attached to a guy the other team can't see. They'll still shoot at the flames.

Valve,Team Fortress 2,fire,burning,death,war,comedy

See? Valve being helpful again.

And how do they know those are my lungs? Do they just look more lung-like than the other bits?

Valve,Team Fortress 2,fire,burning,death,war,comedy

Apparently, when you are playing Heavy Weapons Guy? Only one of your teeth can burn. I did not know this. I have knowledge now.

Valve,Team Fortress 2,fire,burning,death,war,comedy

I hate Pyro vs. Pyro battles. Just sayin'.

Mainly 'cos I always lose. But more, because he always wins.

The bots cheat.

Valve,Team Fortress 2,fire,burning,death,war,comedy

Witch shot me with the mini-gun. But I set Witch on fire before I died.

(That probably shouldn't be funny, considering, witch, pagan, Burning Times...but I'm morbid. I found it hysterical.)