22 October, 2009

in this world of over-rated pleasures, of under-rated treasures

How do you pick your MMO?

Relive Caledon's humble beginnings. And yes, even back then, there was cake.

Two days from now, there will be a party!

der Hut des Jaegers Second Anniversary!

Actually, two--to support the fight against breast cancer, and to celebrate the second-year anniversary of der Hut des Jaegers in Winterfell Absinthe!

The first will be held from noon to two pm SLT in Port Absinthe, in Winterfell, and the second will be held from four to six pm SLT, on Sunday, for those who couldn't make it on the 24th.

From Frau Lowey's notecard:

Yes, it has been that long! Come celebrate the Consulate office with a bar, or the Jagerkin bar that has office stationary!

Also the release party for the 2010 Shirtless Against Breast Cancer Calendars - Ladies, Gentlemen, Fur & Fin, and Jaegerkin! Benefiting breastcancer.org, helping breast cancer patients and their families.

Music will be provided by Radio Riel, and yes, I know, Miss Fuschia just announced a party on the same day (**actually, it's Friday, not Saturday, oops!**), but do try to make it if you can. We are gently impressing on Miss Reghan Straaf to make a pink hat for sale on both days--so there might even be toplessness at the event! (Buy the hat, lose your top--if you wish--and support the fight against breast cancer at the same time!)


We'll be happy to see you. Expect songs of mad science and mad creations, Sparks, evil geniuses, Tiny mad things, genteel ladies, Jagerkin of all persuasions, and anything and everything I've failed to list!

Ales, and dancing, and music, and odd glowing things and good fellowship and helping the fight against cancer--what more do you want? We'll see you there!


Rhianon Jameson said...

So if a gentleman (or lady) were to remove a stovepipe hat, that would count as going tophatless?

Emilly Orr said...



Candy said...

As remarkably obvservant as I've been - cough - I thought Jaegerpeople (Jaegerkin?) were green? Purple?


Emilly Orr said...

That's actually an interesting point. In the comic, Jagers come in green, blue, purple, putty-tan, ice blue, and all-over huge and furry, for the true Jagermonsters. I believe there's also grey, bright bright pink, bright gold and orange, though I could be mistaken.

Basically, the Jagerbrau (the elixir that makes Jagerkin into Jagerkin) takes into account both the genetics of the original host (and some of the original Jagerkin were constructs, so they could have been anything, organically speaking) as well as the particular chemistry of the Jager-to-be. The end result is...generally very hard to kill; sharp cutting teeth; and, for some unexplained reason (as yet), mostly male.

Everything else? Shifts and changes. And a multicolored skin tone is the least of it. :)