05 July, 2009

life is good when you're full of blood

And now, pictures as promised.


(The Clockwinder went blond! His tag read, Obviously Not/Mossaveno Tenk, so maybe I'm wrong. He also seemed much...taller.)


(Malookus Kalnoky mostly stayed on the edges of the dance, and wore a tag that said LDS furry. That was unusual enough, but I think I was more confused by the yellow leather cuffs, collar and bondage belt he wore.)


(Miss Jaina Quartz showed up as a white tiger, in casual pinks and blacks. Pretty. Epsilon Mabellan is the pink-feathered fledgling behind her. They are...mother and...daughter? Son? I wasn't sure and didn't check, on gender of child.)


(Barbara Collazo showed up as the cutest little monkey avatar. The, err, non-poo-throwing kind.)


(Miss Kaylee Korbitza won the costume contest, in her patriotic striped gown--I think honestly the judge swung in her favor due to the flag headband.)


(Is it just me? I'm suddenly seeing Rick Springfield on the bridge of the Enterprise. But this is Jaffee Gaffer, smiling in the striped pants.)


(Lady and sim owner Valentine Janus, in a simple but lovely gold dress.)


(Little Miss Abigail Artful from the last entry, looking winsome in teal and white.)


(Dr. Mitsu Figaro on the left, myself in the center, and Miss CowtownMom Foxclaw dancing.)


(Mr. Mathoni Zuhrah and Miss Ingeborg Apfelbaum, in front, Lindyhopping in the lag, while Brad Moonwall waves a flag to the right.)


(Miss Amari Starship in black; she heard there was a costume contest, so she went home to throw 'a costume' on. I think the 'costume' she had in mind was Elvira, but she looked stunning in it.)


(Miss Lotty Landar and her spoon, and the flag wings.)


(LilPrincess Serenity, in her big blonde braided hair and firework-patterned sneaks.)


(Miss Pear Dumpling with very inventive sparklers. And very inventive name, to boot.)


(The party, a bit diminished after the departure of the Moronic Twins, but still going.)

All in all, I think the after-parade dance went quite well. The evening tied up with fireworks in the Park and magic carpet rides by the dock following. I can't help but think that's kind of cool, hometown and charming all in one.