18 February, 2009

and now her heart beats time like clockwork

Couple short mentions for this entry, and then on with my day.

First, the Steampunkopedia is now compiling a list of "steampunk music videos" on their site. Note, this is not a list of steampunk music; but I have to admit I'm somewhat perturbed their list doesn't include Abney Park, Vernian Process, or even Dionysos' Tais Toi Mon Coeur.

So I wrote them:

Greetings--I love that you now have a section for steampunk music videos, if not steampunk music, but I'm puzzled that you don't list anything by Abney Park, Vernian Process, or even selections from Dionysos' "La Mecanique Coeur", which was nearly start to finish rife with steampunk-inspired visuals.

Abney Park:

Herr Drosselmeyer's Doll
Sleep Isabella
Airship Pirate (or the first thing that hit the 'net airwaves', their studio version)

Vernian Process:
Behold the Machine
The Last Express

Tais Toi Mon Coeur (Shut Up My Heart)
L'homme sans Trucage

And, in an odd case of life crossing virtual, the Masquerade Project apparently lives and works in Second Life, the online game, making steampunk visuals to go along with their music.

Masquerade Project (I wasn't able to find a good link for them):

Keep up the good work!


(Now follows my terribly translated Polish:)

Powitaninia kocham co wy teraz macie rozdział dla "steampunk" muzyczny wideomagnetofon, jeżeli nie "steampunk" muzyka, ale JA jestem stropione co wy nie wymieniacie kolejno coś przez "Abney" Zakładać park, Vernian" Proces, albo nawet wybory od Dionysos' "La Mecanique Coeur", który był prawie rozpoczynać wykończenie "rife" z "steampunk-inspired" widoczny. "Abney" Zakładają park: "Herr Drosselmeyer's Doll", Śpią "Isabella", Statek powietrzny Rabują;

"Vernian" Obrabiają: "Behold" Maszyna, "Noir", Ostatni Ekspres;

"Dionysos": "Tais Toi Mon Coeur, "Neige", "L'homme san Trucage";

I, w nieparzystym wypadku kycia przecinający faktyczny, "Masquerade" Projektować: życia i pracuje w Drugim Życiu, operatywna gra, wyrabiający "steampunk" widoczny udawać się razem z ich muzyka. "Masquerade" Projektować: Parował.

Podtrzymują dobrą pracę!

Does anyone know more about the Masquerade Project, while we're on the topic?

Tired of YouTube? Try YouKinescope, instead.

And for the last bit, you'll now notice to the side a list of labels, 'tags' in any other format: it's in alphabetical order, so if you wish in future to find this, or any other post, dealing with "steampunk music", say...scroll down to the S section and it'll be there.



Anonymous said...

Seek and ye shall find:
Abney Park
Vernian Process
Dionysos (#11)

Emilly Orr said...

Thank you muchly!

Though this does bring up a good point: what makes a video? The first videos were primarily art films, just images set to music; no studios backed them, it was all artist money, thus artists' full license on what they showed, how they showed it.

Now, is it just about who made what, if it had an official director, came from an official studio? If all room for independent creation has been stripped away, then anything not made, directed, packaged up, and sold to the public by a major label would not qualify.

This would then toss out "videos" (those above and beyond clips of live concerts, which honestly, I included because of the instruments and steampunk clothing) of anyone who's not recording with EMI, Sony, Virgin, RCA, Columbia...how small is too small? Where's the dividing line?

Now I'm interested in who funded some early videos...I wonder who knows...

Anonymous said...

This is pretty simple. The vertical line separates professionalism from amateurism. The horizontal line separates art from crap. I think we all agree that the lower right part of this diagram (amateurish crap) shoud be tossed out.

Vernian Process said...

Just ignore Piechur. He's just butt hurt about a little disagreement we had over three years ago, and just can't let it go. =(

What's funny about the whole thing is that when I first started my project, he was one of my biggest supporters. But for some reason a few years ago he decided that he hated me and my work.

Emilly Orr said...

Well, apparently he hates a lot of people, so there you go.

I'm still wondering on what's too small to consider 'video'. The first videos, after all, were either art-project films (for the most part) or concert footage--the music is there, vital (if occasionally blurrily heard) and alive, but the video 'quality', per se, is nonexistent.

If a video is made by a group recording the music and put out by their label, it should count as a video...shouldn't it? Of course, then we get into what if they're not with a label....

This gets complex. :)

Piechur said...

Hi, is this a meeting of Piechur-haters club? Glad to see all my fanboys, especially Mr. Vernian Process - a self-made man famous for being famous (poor thing, still obsessed after all these years?). BTW, Josh - I've seen your SteamCon videos. Nice new mohawk, same old crappy noise.

Emilly Orr said...

Wau, I'd nearly forgotten about this entry, it's been so long.

Let me correct you on a few points, though.

1. I'm not a boy.
2. I don't hate you. I disliked you a great deal when you came after me with no conceivable reason to; but I got over it. I don't hate you.
3. This is an old entry, not a meeting of any 'haters club'. Even yours.

And 4., which is likely the most important for me, personally: everyone (which means everyone--you, me, the garage band down the street, everyone) is entitled to hear music they like, or don't like. There are bands I don't like. I happen to like VP. Hells, I even like Abney Park, which according to you, is somewhat akin to bathing with Britney Spears, or something. But people like what they like, and nobody says you have to read this blog if you don't like it.

Piechur said...

Hi, girl. Yes, it's an old entry. And I've just found pretty hateful Vernian Process' post on your blog, so please don't tell me what I am supposed to read or comment.

I respect your musical tastes, but just in case you wanted to understand VP's "music", I'd recommend reading this discussion:

Piechur said...

Sorry, here's the proper link:
Vernian Process... What do you think?

Bye :)