28 December, 2008

and we'll have fun fun fun

I meant to get to this earlier, but for anyone who wants to come--here's an invite to Radio Riel's office party!

But being Radio Riel, we can't just mingle and drink. Oh, no. Our DJs are being set a challenge: fifteen minute sets, announced just before, so our DJs will pretty much be organizing, theming, and playing songs to match that theme on the spot.

It runs from two pm SLT tomorrow--or, well, Sunday, later today--and runs until the DJs get tired, I guess. :)

Come on down. Dancing, conversation, the most cracked-out music back to back you might ever hear in Hoy, and a DJ battle to match the opening of the Conservatory!

(Which, y'know, if you missed it? Was grand insane fun.)

So come one, come all, there's the SLUrl, and coming late just means you'll miss the opening DJ action! Whee!