he's the man, the man with the Midas touch

Right before I drifted into limbo, I was sent a link to the 15 fps of Fame show, featuring designers inspired by Crimson Rezzable.

If you've never been, do look it up--the show gives you a look at the place, inside and out, and it's just astoundingly gothic, start to finish. Most of the designs I really like, and I like that they're picking up both established designers, and up-and-coming fashion sorts as well.

Most, if not all of these, are for sale...somewhere in Crimson Rezzable. (Your guess is as good as mine; they keep shifting things around!)

This is going to give me nightmares. Blame Mr. Nix Sands for that link, btw--if he hadn't thrown it up in CalChat, I never would have known! The terror, the TERROR!

In the meantime, Fuschia's Frocks, currently the secret lair of C.I.R.C.U.S. (Criminally IRresponsible Civil Unrest Society) held a party, to cover up the dastardly deed of...blowing Caledon to smithereens!


(Mr. Equine McMillan arrives at the lair in his jetcar.)


(The rocket prepares for launch.)


(The rocket LAUNCHES!)


(Aerial shot of CIRCUS' evil lair.)


(The rocket picks its target...Oh, no! Victoria City!)


(Rocket telemetry lost. Curse those do-gooders who wanted to save the Guvnah's mansion!...err, I mean, yay! We're saved!)

And some shots of the Rogues' Gallery:


("Doctor" Nix Sands and his pet bunny.)


(Professor Avalanche in his perfect henchman's outfit.)


(Radio Riel's own Duchess Gabrielle takes a misstep into the shark-infested...wading pool...and is severed by lasers.)


(Miss Begonia in a tux...)


(Mr. Mossaveno Tenk in a tux...)


(And DJ and Laird Brideswell, Elrik Merlin, in a tux.)


(Thankfully, Miss Avariel Falcon came by to play Mata Hari to the existing parade of Bond good guys...)


(With Miss Muse Carmona looking on, Edward comes by to play Q for us...)


(...and Miss Saffia Widdershins handily supplied us with the dreaded Miss M--after being stripped in the nick of time of gold paint by Mr. Viking.)


(Miss Terry Lightfoot looks slinky and sexy and far from innocent.)


(If they ever had furs in a Bond film, Duchess Kiralette Kelley and Duke Podruly Peccable are impeccably dressed for a night out in Casino Royale.)


(And every evil lair needs henchmen...in addition to Professor Avalanche and myself, Mr. Greegar Hellershanks and Frau Annechen Lowey swirled in stately procession across the lair floor.)


(And Mr. JJ Drinkwater comes with a Licence to Kilt.)

Unfortunately, as with all evil plans...the loss of the rocket caused the CIRCUS lair's auto-defense systems to go just the merest bit buggy. First, we had Robot Pixies rezzing everywhere...


...then after attack waves from ninjas, space zombies and shaggy rubber-toothed monsters, the lair itself imploded!


I guess it just goes to show you--the pixie throws a great party.

Err, I mean, Evil Never Wins.

Or something like that. :)


Fraulein Emilly,

Danke - I was unavoidably detained and therefore missed the event. This nearly makes up for it.

Emilly Orr said…
It was a great deal of fun. Laird Brideswell did his usual top-notch job of coming up with appropriate music, and the Pixie and the Professor had far too much fun coming up with really bad spy-movie puns.

I do believe Elrik is trying to wear them down into having these more often. :)

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