at least just tell me what the hell is wrong
I'm starting to develop a severe issue with number-named residents. You know the ones I mean, the ones that set up their accounts to answer to "Julii69" or x09sevengirl90x" or some such. Or proevo69julian Adamski, the new resident I just banned off my property in Lunitarium. He's the first name on the new list. He flew up, banged himself several times against the structure--at which I told him to back off and stop violating my house--banged around several more times, then found a gap in the roofline (I'm still building said house) and darted inside. Whereupon he found himself upstairs in the mini-loft (also unfinished), couldn't figure out how to get down (it's called the connecting ramp, you knuckle-dragging idio--anyway), and jumped on a nearby poseball to attain the main floor. So I asked him why he was there. Nothing. No answer. I froze him in place and asked him again. Still no answer. So I bounced him. I mean, really, what would you do? It...