I can't decide whether you should live or die

Mr. Hassanov mentioned recently he had bling-seeking missiles. I think their guidance systems would, to a single pin and rivet, short out upon flight over Fierce Island.

This place is ruinous on the retinas. This place is horrific beyond horrific things. This place is...there aren't good enough, vile enough, words for this place.

What isn't pink, sparkles. What doesn't bling, glows. On occasion, they gave up on any semblance of subtlety, and made objects all three--blingy, pink, and brightly glowing!

Let me show you what I mean.


Think that's bad? Oh, we aren't even started yet.


Glass slippers. Honest, diamond-faceted glass slippers. You can barely make it out, even in the larger shot, but they also spawn small glittery silver particles. From the pointy toes.

No, really.


All of these pictures were taken at midnight.

No, really.


Outside the "Nabootique".


Yes. That's what they call it.


I'll delicately point your notice towards the sign. I have no idea of the skin tone of this damsel, as she is nearly entirely in shadow, inside her patch of brilliantly blinding glow.


And the outside of the main branch of Fierce Designs. No, I am unaware on the reason behind the patterned cubes of the design, either.

Should you have...any reason....to want to visit such a place, I would recommend a few things:

1. Bring sunglasses.
2. It's no better at noon, but at least it's bluer; plan your trip accordingly.
3. If something says "DON'T sit here"...DON'T.

Just trust me on that last one...

(Though I suppose, if you go to Fierce Island...and you like it there...you might well like this too.)


itsdavidvc said…
Emilly Orr said…
I'd apologize, but...it's so much worse in person.
Edward Pearse said…
I wonder if Miss Malaprop would have conniptions over those shoes. Bling AND sexy walk AND clacking sound AND particles. I know how much she loves the clacky shoes.

This is one time I think I'll pass on digging out the SLURL.
Emilly Orr said…
They're still hard to see? But they're underlined now! And diff'ent colors 'n evvything!


Apologies, and yes, I think Miss Malaprop would likely gear up with lethality and go bomb tanned blingy women with clacky shoes, yes.
Edward Pearse said…
Oh no I can see them quite fine now. This would have been a good time to NOT be able to see them :-)
Emilly Orr said…

...I mean, I'm so sorry.