25 June, 2008

feel the beat now if you've got nothing left

The word went out a few hours ago, and I ducked in just before the ban went up, but didn't get to see even a third of my favorite places. For whatever reason--and the reason is still not clearly known--the world's a little smaller now:

    [Due] to Linden Labs refusal to communicated on an issue of abuse the privateer Space sim is now closed. This Sim was created and funded by me, Aley Arai, for you the SL. Residen[ts], but cannot continue to waste time and money on an company that refuses to communicate with it's investors."

Privateer Space, the space sim for all space fen, closed today. The Galactic Truck Stop, the Swinetrek, Mobius, Space: 1999's Eagle explorer...all gone.

All gone for...what reason? We're still unclear on that.

Sorry, Miss Arai. Your grand drifting dream will be missed, indeed.


itsdavidvc said...

Copyright infringement, perhaps? Swine Trek is part of the Muppets, and the Muppets (except for the Sesame Street creations) are now owned by Disney...

Emilly Orr said...

But why now, why not earlier? Why not come down on her when it was built, instead of all these months later?

Besides, the signs don't make it sound like infringement, they make it sound like the Lindens turning a blind eye to high-level griefing. Or at the very least harassment.

I'm curious enough, I may well write her and ask.

Corgi said...

I never got to get over there! :(

Also, what's this about All Dolled Up possibly closing?


Emilly Orr said...

I'm still learning about that situation, too, but in a nutshell, this is what's going on: Sub has been noticing tons of people stopping by the store, not buying anything, and staying for hours--and not staying and talking about/buying demos, either, just--staying.

She doesn't have any campers, so she's mystified, and it really seems like some people are, more or less, using her shop as a transient hotel. It's irking her because she can't be in-world at all times to police things, and she wouldn't mind people staying for hours if they were trying on demos or buying things--but they're just standing around, or sleeping.

Barney said...

sounds like what a friend of me had a while ago - bots coming in at their shop, using it as a landing point on login.

Edward Pearse said...

Privateer Space closed?!?! WTF?


As for copyright infringement I would be surprisedif it was. Yes Muppets are owned by Di$ney but the swinetrek ship was only a very small piece of the sim. And how many Star Trek and Star Wars sims are out there?

Emilly Orr said...

Barney: apparently it was more people coming into her shop, and using it as an erotic playground. And she doesn't even have any 'indiscreet' poseballs!

Edward: yep. Apparently due to some argument with reporting harassment to the Lindens, that the Lindens didn't find exceptionally actionable. I'll try to find out more if I can.

Anonymous said...

Oh. Now I'm depressed. I totally missed out on that whole thing.

Crap. Just... Crap.

Emilly Orr said...

I'll see if it's actually blocked, at this point. Maybe one can still sneak inside...