16 May, 2008

I'm making a note here, huge success

[22:35] Stiv Acker: I LIVE
[22:35] Stiv Acker: I HUNGER
[22:36] Stiv Acker: BEWARE
[22:37] Emilly Orr: What?
[22:37] Emilly Orr: You died AGAIN??

So...wait...God reincarnated on this plane...and then...had his account die a second time?!?

How in the hell does this keep happening to him?

Either that, or he has the password memory of a guppy. Sheesh.

On the other hand, Miss Straaf's opening of Hatpins went quite well:


So many people came to celebrate millinery, haberdashery, and creative innovation, besides. The music was scrumptious, the hats irresistable, and a very pleasant evening it was, dancing to Celtic music, Britpop and old wave, and bagpipe selections new and old.

Miss Reghan Straaf has a truly lovely selection of vintage ladies' hats, from simple dyed straw and ribbon affairs, perfect for Sunday walks, all the way up to exotic frothy affairs festooned with roses and peacock feathers. I'll try to capture shots of the four I now have later on.

In the meantime, if you'd like to go see them for yourself (and yes, gentlemen, she does make mens' hats also!), just click here for the SLUrl and go see! You won't regret it.