18 February, 2008

it's been such a long time coming, but I feel good

Such a busy few days, in their own way.


Last night, Wulfenbach Consulate members went to the Sea Song/Trillium Frame Gallery, which is--at least at present--set in a *very* old-growth forest, redolent with scents of leaf decay and damp bark. Here, Frau Lowey and I stand in dappled-sun shadows between the great trunks.


It's just...gorgeous, there's no other word. There's just no other word. Forget the art--just stand in the space and breathe in. Let the world sing and hum around you. Trust me, it's worth the time.


Down a cobbled ramp between two large trees, I found a lower-level gallery. Some of the images seemed...well, childish and unsettling in nature (Spongebob?? Good gods, why??), but there was a very evocative series of beach rocks and sands which was oddly powerful.


Not a far distance at all from the lovely trees, we found the quartered-hedge layout of the Exotic Women of Caledon exhibit. I walked in, finding things oddly familiar, and immediately knew why. This series of portrayals of Duchess Kamilah Hauptman struck me as very Alice...in fact, many of the images, for some reason, seemed to reflect Lewis Carroll imagery, to greater or lesser extent.

I make no claims that this was intentional, only that it was my impression.


I must admit, this image of Miss Rothschild tore my heart out...there seemed so much in it of yearning, mayhap even loss...again, it may have not been the intention of artist or subject, but it's how it struck me.


Each painting had a bio notecard attached to it, and each painting clicked to display another image. I admit, members of the Consulate brought me, but I had read Lord Bardhaven's review of this show earlier. While my difference engine rezzed slightly faster, I'd also spent much time wandering the forest, which, while also sculpt-dependent, seems to load slightly more quickly.

The baron seemed...taken aback...by some of the decollatage; I admit, I was surprised by who chose to take risks. Miss Soliel Snook, known for her love of gardening, for example, quite delighted me. And the three the Baron stares so fixedly at in this image; I had no knowledge of Miss Delcon (in the center), but Lady Darkling, as always, looks quite beautiful, and Duchess Diamanda Gustafson, to the right, looked intense and breathtaking, in curving horns and distinctive Chaospire attire.

All in all, I have to agree with many of Lord Bardhaven's assessments--the overwhelming use of sculpts does slow down the appreciation of the show for those with lower-end graphics cards. And also, seeing one subject in two portraits that feature the same outfit, the same setting, did not always work.

And, though I knew more of the name from speaking to various gentle ladies in Caledon chat, I would still say a quarter of the names I'd never heard before, nor seen. It seemed somewhat odd to me that the 'Exotic Women' featured to represent Caledon would be women I'd never even seen in passing.

Perhaps Caledon has overgrown, a bit. I can only hope we draw ourselves together once more, the new and the old, the large, dysfunctional, amusing group that we are.

The following day, being today, brought us the tragedy of the wake in Caledon Highlands, where we eagerly assembled to make sure Mr. Glineux had expir--


--we assembled to mourn the passing of dear friends and companions who would leave us bereft and grieving in the outer darkne--

*coughs again*


We thought the Caledon Expedition had been lost. They came back. Yay.


But then Caledon Highlands died! Oh no!

Finally, the night tied up at October Country's Haunted Campfire, listening to several radio shows featuring Vincent Price. They were from a show called The Price of Fear, featuring Vincent Price as himself, and they were quite delightful. (Depending on how quickly I can finish this, they may still!)


Hope you can make it. If not? Well, October Country runs spoken recordings of interest every night.

And in October Country, well...the nights...they last forever.


Baron K. Wulfenbach said...

'Fixedly', hmph. Fraulein Orr, Caledon is not England, especially not the City Under Glass, and as such I am accustomed to more decorum as a standard.

I would like to reiterate my thanks at your attendance at our 'nightingale' session of the salon; I believe you helped ensure its success and kept it lively.

Your company and conversation afterwards was, of course, an added delight.


Klaus Wulfenbach

Emilly Orr said...

Well, mayhap the word was ill-chosen.

Though, word to the wise--there is discretion in such things, but Caledon embraces all of the Victorian--from the most genteel teahouse to the most disreputable of opium parlours. We are..all things...to those who know how to look.

But you are right, perhaps more know how to look here...or are...gaudier with signposts.


I quite enjoyed the afternoon and evening; I would be happy to attend such salons in future, or further gallery expeditions.