03 September, 2007

key largo, montego, baby why don't we go?

Poison Apple, the next art show from my artist, will occur sometime this upcoming Saturday. She does not yet know when; she's awaiting images from two of her muses, and then the frenzy of edit. Check her journal for more details.

[[UPDATE: It should, I stress, SHOULD, be this Saturday, September 9, 2007 at both 2pm and 5pm SLT (to account for domestic and international traffic). Check back for updates, this is a mature (NOT child-appropriate!) show.]]

I promised pictures of Taupo; I want to get more, but for now, this is what I have.

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The view from my front door, showing part of one island, and allll that ocean.

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View of the second island. There was a third within view, but it sank this morning. :)

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The two maneaters, side by side.

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And the arena, where fighters go to practice combat skills.

I'll take more later, when I'm not so tired. :)


turnerBroadcasting said...

ok i will be there i hope. assuming i am still in one piece. going through a wee bit o' hell right now.


Emilly Orr said...

I am sorry I missed the wedding, Turner. And eeek--one piece is the hope?