30 July, 2007

always find my place among the ashes

Adventures in grid malfunction. This was mind-boggling.

I crashed from Lumindor. All right, annoying, clear my cache, reconnect with the world...

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...save I didn't. This is Linden Village Plot 14, in Longfellow. This is profoundly not where I was. The lass in white silks was quite distressed, by the way--apparently she had a tag over her head reading This girl not to be found without Master...and apparently "Master" had gone to a different infohub...

I cleared cache, fell off the grid, crawled back in again. Tried directly accessing Lumindor...

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...found myself in the Hyles Swamp Infohub. Oh, joy. This was a pic snapped on the fly, thus resulting in the lack of color, and the many grey residents. But they kept showing up, two, four, six at a time...I thought it best to leave.

I tried my chosen destination again...

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...and found myself on Orientation Island Public. Okay, this was getting amusing. Note the girl in the gridded purple skin. I snapped the pic, but I still don't know if that was a visual glitch, or if that really was her skin.

Okay. Gosh, this is entertaining, in that indescribably boring sense. Where to next?

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Apparently, Pooley Stage, a public performance venue I've never heard of. And the talk was very, very dull...so we're moving on. Next on the cavalcade of infohubs, is....

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Hanja Infohub! Hanja, my old friend. Still have no idea why, but whenever Rivula crashes, I end up in Hanja. Seems a nice place, never really explored it. Lovely tile work.

Anyway, I was still trying to reach Lumindor...

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And ended up in Braunsworth. I remember Braunsworth, too. Braunsworth was where I went the day Lindens rained from the sky during a grid crash. Very, very odd day that was...

...finally, I gave up, and decided on a new location. I was able to access the rest of the grid. But the weirdness didn't stop there:

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This is Valruna. More to the point, this is the gypsy camp in Valruna, declared neutral territory, sanctuary space for all factions. Note the absence of gypsies. In fact, note the absence of camp.

See, the powers that own and manage Valruna have decided to make it urban, and it's pretty much going to be--medieval one day, urban a week later, everyone revise your characters thankyew--which is going to hurt my head as an RPer. I tried to talk them into evolving the sim as a roleplay event. No go. They won't consider it. So it'll just be...different, one day, and...I don't like modern game spaces, I just don't.

So...back to Lumindor it may be.

...whenever it comes back up, grmblemumblegrrr...and let's hope it drags with it an accessible Linden balance, a working friendslist, profiles that can be read and changed, the abiity to rez out objects without losing them, the ability to build...*shakes her head*


Hank Rucker said...

Well. Sounds like less than fun, while still being amusing.

At least painfully so...

I tried to log in. Well, I did get in world. But no L$ balance, can't teleport, and MY MYSTITOOL MENUS WON'T COME UP! Ahem... I um, depend on that toy more than I'd like to admit.

So. I've logged out till they can slap some sense into the world.

BardHaven said...

Dear Miss Orr...

You really must come spend more time with we Caledonians. We are constant as the summer sun.

You know you always have a place with us.


Emilly Orr said...

Hank: about to go in world anyway, and damn the glitches, but the lack of being able to build...it will make my brain cramp.

Lord Bardhaven: I'm quite charmed, and I sincerely thank you. I should, indeed. I spend far too little time in Caledon, these days.

turnerBroadcasting said...

I find the firstlook voice (the one released this week) more stable than the main viewer however my theory is that land problems are, and search problems are not , clientside , resp.

I think the physics engine gets messed up when clients are messed up but searches and inventory and the like, are all indexed by mSql I bet and to a filesystem so thats all serverside.

Emilly Orr said...

Yes, but multiple cascade failures indicate a much larger problem. And so many failures at once? Make it problematic, and worse, no fun, to stay in world.