Okay, last night, Pirate Night at Activ8. Cute little place, mentioned it for their Doctors and Nurses Night, me with the world's largest needle and the cinnamon-flavored zombie.
Pirates, well, I can do pirates, and I didn't actually expend a ton of effort--I didn't intend to win, mind, just to have fun. Threw on the little short-short Boneflower outfit and went and danced the night away.
Long after the DJ left, and the host wandered, and the crowd dispersed, we were still in the club dancing. And that's when the bunnies began to surface.
First evil bunny sighting. Note evil nose bling. This one was seen several times inching closer sideways, fluffily crab-like, sinking below the floor--Stealth bunny! NOOO!--and drifting back and forth against the wide expanse of dance space like a fur-covered Roomba.
First evil bunny head-on, staring at me with those dead black eyes. Possessed bunny of DOOOOM!
Second evil bunny sighting. This one has more evil--it was floating for most of the night, just turning in midair. And getting closer.
Our poor innocent dancers. Note presence of evil second bunny in the background.
Dancers on the floor, bunnies getting closer.
Dancers on the floor, bunnies closer still!
...I guess it's a good thing we got out before...MORE OF THEM CAME!!!
They are bunnies, after all.
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