03 July, 2017

I'm not gonna be Mercy, I'm not gonna be any kind of support

We start with Zibska, who frequently designs things for aliens, and "Metis" is no exception. This is shown in white and red tones, and seems to just be variously sized spheres.

This is "Aoede", in white. ...I got nothin'.

This is "Hegemone", sort of a...modern carved beehive? Shown in a very dark brown.

This is "Sinope", a series of outward-pointing cones, in white.

And finally, "Thebe", a wave to end all waves, shown in dark brown.

You can find Zibska on the Noirette sim at Hair Fair.

Next up, "Oakley" from Blues, shown in a rose gold tone from the Naturals 2 hud.

This is "Olivia" shown in a deep cobalt from the Colors 2 hud, and a pale blue on the bows from the included accessories hud (all the tones are pastels for the bows).

Not shown: "Ordinary", because apparently I forgot to take the picture. Oops.

You can find Blues on the Blonde sim at Hair Fair.

Next is Gorgeous Dolls, and their...ponytail?...style called "Foxy Gyal", shown in a brown-to-pale-red ombre from the Sweet Glamour w/Roots hud.

This is "Gloria", shown in a sort of...black to ash lilac?...from the Brazilian Bundles hud.

This is "Maddie", shown in a rich, deep red from the Naturals w/Roots hud.

This is "Pam", a spunky razor bob, shown in a rich blonde with overdyed roots from the Sweet Glamour w/Roots hud.

And this is "Zara", shown in a streaky red and black from the Naturals w/Roots hud.

You can find Gorgeous Dolls on the Brunette sim at Hair Fair.

Last is Runaway, with "Aschera", shown in a foxtail blonde-to-coppery-red ombre from the Ombres & Roots hud.

This is "Cherry", shown in a solid mid-brown tone from the Browns hud. Still not crazed over ballcap hair, but this one comes with nine different styles/patterns, including a solid pink hat that says "CUTE BUT PSYCHO". I've always been fond of that phrase.

This is "Ellie" in a very nice digital cyan from the Colorful hud, and it comes with a styling menu.

And this is "Nicole", shown in a bright, rich red from the Reds hud.

You can find Runaway on the Blonde sim at Hair Fair.

And keep in mind, there are two cam sims this year, to avoid the lag--Foils, for the Blonde and Brunette sims, and Streaks, for Noirette and Brunette. Happy shopping!

And...that's it, that's all I'm covering. Now, to RL moving, followed by digital excavations, turning the Photobucket hostage pic links back into active picture links. Joy.

02 July, 2017

it keeps on screaming for release

This is "Kasumi" from Ayame Ame, in tone 6 from the Brown/Red hud.

This is "Nejiri", using the provided hairbase to match tone 1 from the Blonde/Beige hud. Why don't they match?

This is "Tozashi", in the deep navy tone from the Essentials hud.

And this is "Tsugai", in the lime tone from the Nippon Colors I hud. I really like the braid-buns on this style, but I'm not crazy about the bowl-cut bangs, sadly.

You can find Ayame Ame on the Redhead sim at Hair Fair.

Next up, Mina, with "Emma", in tone 5 from the Reds hud.

This is "Fiona" in the third tone from the Dip Dye hud.

And this is "Luna" in the last tone from the Pastels hud.

You can find Mina also on the Redhead sim at Hair Fair.

This is Wasabi Pill's short flip "Camille". The attached bows come in sixteen solid colors and four patterns (two polka dots, two ginghams).

This is "Elle", in the third tone from Fireworks (the Roots menu). The attached hair bands come in sixteen different solid colors.

And this is "Sienna", in...I now forget, but it's a blended red/black tone from the Lunar hud. I think tone 3?

You can find Wasabi Pills on the Blonde sim at Hair Fair.

Lastly, Limerence, and their long, wavy style "Jess". This is in a sort of peachy light red tone from their All natural set hud.

This is "Kate", shown in a mid-blue tone from the Colour set hud.

And this is "Laila", shown in the ninth, brown-to-red-shift tone from the Ombre set hud. There aren't set colors for the hair bands, just an RGB picker, but it's pretty easy to use.

You can find Limerence on the Redhead sim at Hair Fair.

And keep in mind, there are two cam sims this year, to avoid the lag--Foils, for the Blonde and Brunette sims, and Streaks, for Noirette and Brunette. Happy shopping!

in hope the tide will grant me stay

Today, we start with Bliensen & Maitai's "Balboa" turban style, shown in a bright orange-red tone from the Reds hud. The bottom of the hud comes with fifteen colors and two metals for the turban, and comes with built-in resizing options for the hair itself. Neat.

This is "Chained", in a gingery blonde from the Blonds hud. The inset image is the actual 'chain' for the style. The hud will tint it silver (shown) or gold.

And this is "Grimhild", with the battle-axe hairpins, in a brilliant scarlet. I'm pretty sure there's no way to change the metals on the hairpins, though. Sad.

You can find Bliensen & Maitai on Noirette.

This is "Cashew" shown in a strawberry-and-platinum ombre tone from the Variety hud.

This is "Hazelnut" in the deepest of reds from the Reds hud.

And this is "Almond" shown in a mid-tone from the Browns hud.

You can find Mithral Apothecary on the Redhead sim at Hair Fair.

This is LCKY's "Jaime", a short pixie cut, in peacock tones from the Neutral II hud. No alpha layer was included, so I'm not wearing one, and this style, at least on me, needs an alpha layer.

This is "Karrie", in several pink, wine and red tones from the Rose hud.

And this is "Zana", shown in a purple/lime overdye from the Acid hud.

You can find LCKY on the Brunette sim at Hair Fair.

Ayashi's next, and this is "Akihiko", an improbably anime unisex style shown in a deep grape tone.

This is "Riya", and I think I want this one--it's a very long style with cat ears, shown here in a bright mauve tone, and keep in mind, the cat ears can be hidden if you don't want them.

And this is "Yuzu", a wavy high ponies style, in a deep teal with teal and pink bows. (The color hud for the bows doesn't work, but it will show you the variety of patterns/colors that the actual hair has.

You can find Ayashi on the Blonde sim at Hair Fair.

And keep in mind, there are two cam sims this year, to avoid the lag--Foils, for the Blonde and Brunette sims, and Streaks, for Noirette and Brunette. Happy shopping!

and I walked a thousand miles to prove it

We're starting with Imeka, and their "Amelia" demo, shown here in a bright carrot from the Naturals hud.

This is "Babbs" with an attached headband (the lighter purple strip), shown in a deep purple from the Colors hud.

And this is "Mandy", shown in a black/red ombre from the Ombres hud.

You can find Imeka on the Brunette sim at Hair Fair.

Next is Discord Designs, and this is "Flo", a dread updo style, shown in Discord Red with the included red hairbase.

Oh, I like this one. This is "London" in Discord Red, it comes with the bandana (which can be tinted thirty different ways on a separate hud).

And this is "Senay", and somehow, changing hairbases from the Discord Red to the black removed my lipstick. Woe!

It's shown in a really, really deep blue tone.

Discord Designs is on Noirette at the Hair Fair.

Dread ponies? This is Eliment's "Japan", shown in a black-to-light-brown ombre tone.

This is "Jasmine", shown in a basic bright red.

And this is "Lanna", shown in a wheat blonde tone.

You can find Eliment on the Brunette sim at Hair Fair.

Next is Astrology, Alice Project's new brand, and this is "Amora" tinted in a dark brown with rainbow streaks from the Essentials hud.

This is "Heosu", in a black with mid-blue streaks from the Color Fun hud. No alpha layer was included, so I wasn't wearing one for this shot.

This is "Heosu II", shown in a red/purple ombre from the Dark hud. Tracked down an Alice Project alpha layer, didn't seem to help that much.

This is "Kirsten", in a platinum and teal ombre, from the Light hud. Still with the alpha layer.

And this is "Sabine", shown in a mid-ginger tone from the Medium hud. Took the alpha layer off again, no difference.

You can find Astrology on the Blonde sim at Hair Fair.

And keep in mind, there are two cam sims this year, to avoid the lag--Foils, for the Blonde and Brunette sims, and Streaks, for Noirette and Brunette. Happy shopping!