13 January, 2017

holding my last breath, safe inside myself

January of a new year, and I haven't updated since the last one. My creativity ebbs, and it's harder to push forward every day. But I'm a stubborn thing, so...it may be clip entries and random images for a few months, but I am going to try to make the blog a priority again.

We'll see how that goes.

In the meantime, some random things from the net.

The Razer Valerie prototypes have been found--on a Chinese auction site. That's pretty blatant, and there's no guarantee they weren't examined beforehand for hoped-for technological advances. Either way, Razer now has a lead to follow...even if it comes with a hefty price tag.

We haven't reached absolute zero yet...but scientists in a Boulder, Colorado lab are working on it. Sounds pretty...cool?

So far, the Nintendo Switch shows promise. The little puppy that could is growing up, and the price point isn't even that bad--$300 for the full system, which is far below other console offerings.

Like jellyfish? Then you'll love this. In a similar vein, Portland, Oregon, had something of a freak snowstorm, and the Oregon Zoo's newest addition, Nora the polar bear, had a great deal of fun playing in snow. Here's more footage, and here's the river otters having a blast.

One post down. The rest of the year to go. Onward!