and the engine's failed again, all limits of disguise
It's October already, and no haunts have been visited in September. At all. I have no explanation. Also a lack of updating, there's that. To the point that I might have to reintroduce myself to anyone reading along. So, hi, I'm dy --I mean, I'm increasingly impair --I meant to say, hi, I'm locked in a pitched battle with my goddamn neurologis -- Errr. Let's try again. I'm Em. Hi. The rest is flavor text. Aaaaaanyway...I had decided to do something potentially ill-advised, namely--the 21 in 31 Challenge. Now, there are existing 31 Days of Horror challenges. I know that. This felt more my speed, though. For example, here's HordesofHorror 's list: She's following down her curated list, and even managed an explanation for each one . And I've seen both "You have to make your list on day one and stick to it!" and "Pick a movie a day you haven't seen!" camps for the usual 31 Days Challenges. I planned to fall in