11 October, 2010

keep it coming 'cause I'm prepared to burn

I am so behind on my haunt reviews this year, but I'm starting with...well, mine!

There's more specifics over on the store blog, but I'm announcing it in both places. The past week, I have been spending nearly every hour possible in Twilight Tears, building a haunted house from scratch.

It's my first haunted house on the grid. It's not perfect. And it's not a spooky haunt--at least to me, it's a delightful autumnal stroll. But I'm very pleased with how it turned out.

You start here:

Hunt House,haunted house,haunted,horror,halloween,Second Life,virtual worlds,building,texturing

Yes, it's a door. It has an "ENTER" sign above it, that might help. Also a pumpkin tree. And a grave with floating ghosts.

(I love the grave, actually. Click the mound of earth--you're a zombie! Click the headstone--you get to float with the ghosts!)

Hunt House,haunted house,haunted,horror,halloween,Second Life,virtual worlds,building,texturing

It's me, so of course there are poses scattered here and there, and photo ops.

Hunt House,haunted house,haunted,horror,halloween,Second Life,virtual worlds,building,texturing

And yes! Some things move! Like this fellow. He won't trigger unless you get close enough for him to reach out and--

Hunt House,haunted house,haunted,horror,halloween,Second Life,virtual worlds,building,texturing

Go up level by level until you reach the attic. And there, you will find a lovely Victorian lady...who still thinks she's alive. Poor dear. But she's very loquacious, and just...dying...to talk with you.

(There's a door to the side that will let you come back down to the main store, so you don't have to retrace your steps.)

I'm looking forward to this. I may tweak some things, as I said, but really--it's good to go! Just trip by the parcel in front of the main store, and you're good to go.



Serenity Semple said...

Very awesome spooky house, I really enjoyed visiting it. ^^

Emilly Orr said...

I wouldn't have ever attempted a haunt of my own without Star Fairymeadow's 'Hell House' texture set. From there, the concept just grew.

Rhianon Jameson said...

A hauntingly good time, Miss Orr. Nicely done.

Emilly Orr said...

Thank you!

It took a lot of time, and there was stress involved, because I seriously built the thing from scratch--I'd intended on working up a few items for a store hunt and...things went bigger.

But I had fun making it. I may do a haunt next year (y'know, if Second Life is still around).