07 October, 2010

and when our children fight our wars, while we sit back just keeping score

A visitation from God, two hours before midnight.

Team Interracial Gangbang: THUG LYFE
Team Interracial Gangbang: Also my neighbors are threatening me with cookies
Team Interracial Gangbang: or that is
Team Interracial Gangbang: the threat of not making me cookies
Team Interracial Gangbang: Got a plan of attack?

Emilly: For not getting cookies, or for getting cookies?
Emilly: Pleading always works for cookies. Especially if you toss in "I'll never do it again."
Emilly: They can fill in whatever 'it' is

Team Interracial Gangbang: Long story short
Team Interracial Gangbang: Ive been drunk
Team Interracial Gangbang: OR
Team Interracial Gangbang: We've been drunk
Team Interracial Gangbang: and stealing their doormat

Emilly: This is not unusual
Emilly: Wait

Team Interracial Gangbang: and she wrote a not
Emilly: Why?
Team Interracial Gangbang: e
Team Interracial Gangbang: Saying
Team Interracial Gangbang: Stop stealing or we wont make you cookies

Emilly: "I hate you, die on fire, Love, Your Neighbor"?
Emilly: Ah

Team Interracial Gangbang: and I really want cookies
Emilly: That is a big threat
Team Interracial Gangbang: I WANT FOOD SO BAD
Team Interracial Gangbang: Also ones pretty cute
Team Interracial Gangbang: :#
Team Interracial Gangbang: :3

Emilly: Yes, it would go well with all the alcohol
Team Interracial Gangbang: There we go
Team Interracial Gangbang: But yeah
Team Interracial Gangbang: IM IN A MANLY BATTLE OF WILL THOUGH

Emilly: Promise you won't steal their doormat ever again
Team Interracial Gangbang: H-nah
Emilly: Ah, so groveling is out?
Team Interracial Gangbang: I stole that shit and put it buy the fire escape
Team Interracial Gangbang: WHAT UP NOW

Emilly: Why?
Team Interracial Gangbang: I wrote back
Team Interracial Gangbang: NO COOKIES NO DOORMAT
Team Interracial Gangbang: We dont negotiate with terrists
Team Interracial Gangbang: terrists

Emilly: So the doormat is an innocent hostage of your escalating warfare?
Emilly: Terr-or-ists

Team Interracial Gangbang: Fuck doormats
Emilly: Three syllables
Team Interracial Gangbang: terrists
Team Interracial Gangbang: Em

Emilly: Ninjas
Team Interracial Gangbang: I speak AMERICAN
Emilly: Say that
Team Interracial Gangbang: nijas
Emilly sighs
Team Interracial Gangbang: nin-yas
Emilly: How much alcohol IS currently replacing your plasma?
Team Interracial Gangbang: FUCK YAS
Team Interracial Gangbang: A bit
Team Interracial Gangbang: Like

Emilly: Uh-huh
Team Interracial Gangbang: ok a lot
Emilly: Yeah
Team Interracial Gangbang: BUT
Team Interracial Gangbang: I didnt start this

Emilly: Okay, so groveling is out; do you have the power of coherent speech?
Team Interracial Gangbang: We saw them satday and they was all
Team Interracial Gangbang: you stealing our mat?

Emilly: And you said?
Team Interracial Gangbang: And I was like NO I havent
Emilly: Even though you had
Team Interracial Gangbang: and then Mat (not the door mat)
Team Interracial Gangbang: goes
Team Interracial Gangbang: Um
Team Interracial Gangbang: yeah
Team Interracial Gangbang: So I look the fool
Team Interracial Gangbang: so NOW I have to steal it

Emilly: Ah, the part of Town Idiot is being played by Matt
Team Interracial Gangbang: HEY
Emilly: What?
Team Interracial Gangbang: He spells it one T
Team Interracial Gangbang: Mat

Emilly: Why?
Team Interracial Gangbang: RESPEK
Team Interracial Gangbang: RESPEK

Emilly: M-A-T
Team Interracial Gangbang: RESPEK
Team Interracial Gangbang: Thanks
Team Interracial Gangbang: yeah

Emilly: Sure
Team Interracial Gangbang: I dunnop why
Emilly: He lost one in that tragic three-alarm crib fire
Team Interracial Gangbang: Hahhaha
Team Interracial Gangbang: Ouch
Team Interracial Gangbang: Come on Em
Team Interracial Gangbang: Anywhos
Team Interracial Gangbang: OH
Team Interracial Gangbang: ALEX IS ON STEAM

Emilly: Yes
Team Interracial Gangbang: also this wasnt the best name to say hello to her
Emilly: HAH
Team Interracial Gangbang: DNEIRF YEH
Team Interracial Gangbang: TIHS

Emilly: She should have known it was you
Team Interracial Gangbang: Sorry, backwards type glitch
Emilly: It happens
Team Interracial Gangbang: Yeah so
Team Interracial Gangbang: right
Team Interracial Gangbang: Its nice to talk to her, its been a bit
Team Interracial Gangbang: like
Team Interracial Gangbang: years prolly

Emilly: Maybe
Team Interracial Gangbang: shit yeah
Team Interracial Gangbang: christ

Emilly: She can't play Team Fortress, there is woe
Team Interracial Gangbang: Im a lowsy
Emilly: But she hangs out and talks on occasion
Team Interracial Gangbang: OH LORD yeah so sad
Team Interracial Gangbang: the motion sickness and shit she said

Emilly: Yep
Team Interracial Gangbang: christ thats sad ta me
Emilly: Hey, I used to get it with Quake all the time
Emilly: I can play TF
Emilly: Quake used to level me, I'd get dizzy and nauseous

Team Interracial Gangbang: Shit fer real?
Team Interracial Gangbang: damn woman
Team Interracial Gangbang: thats harsh

Emilly: It happens. It's in the refresh rate of the cam system
Emilly: If it travels *as* I turn, I'm good

Team Interracial Gangbang: aaaah
Emilly: If it travels even a half second off, nope
Emilly: Cannot play

Team Interracial Gangbang: nmad
Team Interracial Gangbang: ylaer
Team Interracial Gangbang: TIGHS
Team Interracial Gangbang: KCUF
Team Interracial Gangbang: Sorry
Team Interracial Gangbang: Damned glitch

Emilly: SHGIT?
Team Interracial Gangbang: I cant delect when it happens either
Team Interracial Gangbang: SHIT
Team Interracial Gangbang: Fuck ya I cant delete typos

Emilly: When you are too drunk to spell a four-letter word, O Lord, it might be time to leave the keys.
Emilly: Go scratch on your neighbors' door and look pitiful

Team Interracial Gangbang: Take my keys, Im too drunk to type?
Emilly: In a manly way
Emilly: And ask for cookies

Team Interracial Gangbang: lord I want foooooood too
Emilly: Say, "I'msosorryI'llneverdoitagaingetmecookiesBITCH"
Emilly: You can do this

Team Interracial Gangbang: Hahhahahahahah
Team Interracial Gangbang: Em I can do that
Team Interracial Gangbang: SO WELL
Team Interracial Gangbang: so good?
Team Interracial Gangbang: FUCK

Emilly: I thought so
Team Interracial Gangbang: uh
Team Interracial Gangbang: so better?
Team Interracial Gangbang: Oh hey also I got a new hat

Emilly: Oh?
Team Interracial Gangbang: the pyro beanie
Team Interracial Gangbang: the Napper's Respite

Emilly snerks
Team Interracial Gangbang: Hey its cute
Team Interracial Gangbang: fuck you

Emilly: I still can't imagine a beanie on the pyro
Team Interracial Gangbang: Hey look it up
Team Interracial Gangbang: and fuck you its cute
Team Interracial Gangbang: I like it
Team Interracial Gangbang: Also Ill burn ya alive with it

Emilly: Cute is allowable
Emilly: I keep telling guys, they embrace even a small sliver of cuteness, it makes them adorable beyond all reason

Team Interracial Gangbang: fuck ya
Team Interracial Gangbang: I hate that shit

Emilly: But you are learning
Team Interracial Gangbang: I like my cute bear I resqued from beign tied to a chainlink fense
Emilly: Now you have a cute hat
Team Interracial Gangbang: and woman are just its so cute
Emilly: See?
Team Interracial Gangbang: and I fuckin have to take it away
Emilly: There you go
Emilly: Noooo

Team Interracial Gangbang: HE WAS SAVED
Emilly: You need to learn to work WITH the bear's drawing powers of cute
Team Interracial Gangbang: Nooooo
Team Interracial Gangbang: hes innocent
Team Interracial Gangbang: he is no tool

Emilly: See, the chick hugs him, you hug the bear, you hug the chick, leave the bear on the couch
Team Interracial Gangbang: HE IS ENDS TO HIMSELF
Emilly: Well, you want a stuffed toy to get all the action, fine by me
Team Interracial Gangbang: hey
Team Interracial Gangbang: well
Team Interracial Gangbang: when rachel took it
Team Interracial Gangbang: I did have to
Team Interracial Gangbang: "reach for it"
Team Interracial Gangbang: so I guess

Emilly: See?
Team Interracial Gangbang: mission accomplished my ursine friend
Emilly: Sadly, this is tragically reminding me of a store's new rebuild in SL
Team Interracial Gangbang: Hahah
Emilly: They have a crib in a haunted house. The little blanket covering the little corpse? Has a Pedobear motif
Team Interracial Gangbang: HAHAHAH
Team Interracial Gangbang: LULZ
Team Interracial Gangbang: i mean
Team Interracial Gangbang: hohoho
Team Interracial Gangbang: what fun

Emilly grins
Emilly: You may have to check to make sure you're manageable enough to ask for cookies
Emilly: Rationally, I mean
Emilly: Have a matchbook?

Team Interracial Gangbang: Matchbook?
Team Interracial Gangbang: I have
Team Interracial Gangbang: half a futon?

Emilly: Light one and breathe on it
Emilly: Wait
Emilly: Do NOT light the futon
Emilly: I meant the matches
Emilly: Which you do or do not have?

Team Interracial Gangbang: oh
Team Interracial Gangbang: no
Team Interracial Gangbang: i got
Team Interracial Gangbang: um
Team Interracial Gangbang: more booze?

Emilly: Where *are* you?
Team Interracial Gangbang: a broken bottle?
Team Interracial Gangbang: a
Team Interracial Gangbang: um
Team Interracial Gangbang: shirt?
Team Interracial Gangbang: some clothes on the floor?

Emilly: Okay, think for a moment
Team Interracial Gangbang: beer?
Emilly: Are you inside or outside?
Team Interracial Gangbang: Em my apt is pretty shitty and missing most things humans have in america
Emilly: Wau
Team Interracial Gangbang: i dont even have tape
Emilly: Really?
Emilly: But...but..MATCHES
Emilly: I mean, how do you make fire?

Team Interracial Gangbang: um
Team Interracial Gangbang: my apt is
Team Interracial Gangbang: not
Team Interracial Gangbang: uh
Team Interracial Gangbang: I mean
Team Interracial Gangbang: its
Team Interracial Gangbang: got an electric stove
Team Interracial Gangbang: I normally TAKE fire
Team Interracial Gangbang: outside that is

Emilly: You never, ever, have a reason to acquire any form of fire for...candle, or...huh
Emilly: Weird
Emilly: Okay, scratch that plan

Team Interracial Gangbang: Em
Team Interracial Gangbang: When you drink downtown
Team Interracial Gangbang: fire happens
Team Interracial Gangbang: I dont plan for it
Team Interracial Gangbang: Also
Team Interracial Gangbang: I need sleep
Team Interracial Gangbang: got class at noon I got to read for in the morn
Team Interracial Gangbang: Contemp ethical issues
Team Interracial Gangbang: Specifically pornography

Emilly: Yeah, you--
Emilly: Wait

Team Interracial Gangbang: I got to get ready for it
Emilly: Pornographic ethics?
Team Interracial Gangbang: NO
Emilly: Wau. You will need to read up.
Team Interracial Gangbang: I just got to make sure I dont say
Team Interracial Gangbang: what about the (HORRIBLE THING IVE SEEN LAST YEAR)?
Team Interracial Gangbang: and ruin my class
Team Interracial Gangbang: Anywho

Emilly: Right
Team Interracial Gangbang: Later Em
Team Interracial Gangbang: Good night

Emilly: You go sleep
Team Interracial Gangbang: have a
Emilly: Something
Team Interracial Gangbang: whatever you go
Team Interracial Gangbang: DO

Emilly: Yeah
Team Interracial Gangbang: typo
Team Interracial Gangbang: ALso
Team Interracial Gangbang: gonna steal me a mat
Team Interracial Gangbang: (teehee)

Emilly facepalms
Team Interracial Gangbang: EM
Team Interracial Gangbang: Listen
Team Interracial Gangbang: Im drink as hell
Team Interracial Gangbang: Fuck your LOGIC
Team Interracial Gangbang: and PLAANS

Emilly: I comprehend this
Team Interracial Gangbang: AND SENSIBBLISTY
Team Interracial Gangbang: fuck

Emilly: Also hungry
Emilly: For COOKIES

Team Interracial Gangbang: man that was misspselled
Team Interracial Gangbang: YES
Team Interracial Gangbang: bingo
Team Interracial Gangbang: also

Team Interracial Gangbang: (teehee)
Team Interracial Gangbang: they are juniors
Team Interracial Gangbang: (teehee)

Emilly shakes her head
Team Interracial Gangbang: FOOLISH YOUNG MEAAAAAAAT
Emilly: Shoo. Go sleep. Do not get into major trouble that will require cop-based intervention.
Team Interracial Gangbang: bah
Team Interracial Gangbang: ok
Team Interracial Gangbang: but tomoorow!
Team Interracial Gangbang: gonna dop it

Emilly: Likely.

This? I cannot make up things like this. He's just this odd.


Rhianon Jameson said...

You have the most interesting friends. And why should I be surprised that God speaks Ebonics?

Emilly Orr said...

*grins* Well, that's definitely true. I'm fascinated by people in general, so there's a higher than average amount of oddity.

Didn't you know, God speaks everything? Well, save for Stiv. Stiv at the moment speaks AMERICAN (whatever that is), three words of Spanish, and drunken fratboy.

I think he speaks drunken fratboy most often.