I am making up a notecard. For any future involvements.
Should there be any.

1. Are you nineteen?
2. Are you a demon?
3. If no to 2, do you plan on becoming one?
4. Do you understand polyamory?
5. No, really, go away and think about it if necessary, then tell me.
6. Okay, have this link: Polyamory FAQ. Read through that. Now, do you understand polyamory?
7. Okay, it's slightly more technical, but read through this link: Polyamory Wikipedia Entry. Now, do you understand polyamory?
8. Are you okay with me being polyamorous?
9. No, really, be honest, it's an important question.
10. Are you monogamous?
If the answers to 1, 2 and 10 are yes...I'll end it, I'll walk away, apologise, say I'll be happy if they want to remain on the client roster...but I will not fall in love with them. I get too hurt that way.
No more.
What swardz?!?
They were piercing ME, dude! Goddamn Midnight with her "let me try my spells out on you, it'll be fun..." line.
Froze me, burnt me, stabbed me, caged me, burnt me again, buried me in a snowman, orbited me on feathers, webbed me with crawling spiders, burnt me AGAIN...GIGGLING...
It was not my best day.
Thats sweet! From a masochistic kinda view I suppose.
Indeed....I guess....oh, she had fun. And it wasn't so very painful...
Interesting to know.
Which part, the polyamory links, or the stabbing me, burning me, freezing me moments? :)
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