is this where the tortured and the troubled find their own?
Based on the Disclosure Policy's blog recommendations, I have, with their help, worded a Blog Disclosure Policy for the Train Wreck:
This policy is valid from 30 June 2010.
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact Emilly Orr (the address is in the sidebar).
This blog does not accept any form of cash advertising, sponsorship, or paid topic insertions. However, we will and do accept and keep free products, services, travel, event tickets, and other forms of compensation from companies and organizations.
(Full disclosure: I have a slideshow of Amazon products. If people order something using that link, I get a 4% kickback. This is really, really small. But I like scrolling through Amazon, so I keep it up. Also, if anyone goes through the Second Life banner, and purchases a premium account, I get a small percentage of that sale. I get a smaller percentage of the netbook revenue if anyone buys an all-in-one netbook package. So far, no one has. At present, nothing else in my sidebar is there for any other reason than I like having it there, and nothing else pays me a monetary stipend of any kind.
(I'm always up for discussion, though. Feel free to contact me if you think your advertising would mesh perfectly with my level of sarcasm.)
The compensation received will never influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog. All advertising is in the form of advertisements generated by a third party ad network. Those advertisements will be identified as paid advertisements.
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(Full disclosure: I am always open to receive gifts, especially Second-Life related, that I can review on this blog; I don't always have Lindens to buy things on the open market. How'ver, I don't go out of my way to solicit, and I'm really bad at blogging things I do get; I'm not a bad blogger, nor an infrequent one, but with 72K+ in inventory things get LOST. I am partially a tech blogger, partially a virtual worlds blogger, part gamer, part fashion detective; I don't fit any box neatly, is what I'm getting at. But if you want to send me something, I'll do my level best to get it out there.)
This blog does contain content which might present a conflict of interest. This content will always be identified.
(Full disclosure: I am a resident of Second Life. I used to be a paid premium member. I used to own virtual land. Thus, I am not impartial. While I am not employed by the Labs nor a premium member, these facts do represent a small conflict of interest, and on occasion, they do prevent me from airing my free unfettered opinion.)
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In other news...they're out!
This is the first design I made, and it was completely accidental. I flipped the wrong setting on one of the existing designs, and voila, I had this almost perfect oilslick dress. I had a great deal of fun with the backdrop, dragging out paved parking lot textures, wooden crates, spooky trees, and Dame CoyoteAngel Dimsum's burning industrial fire she designed for the OpenSpace protests.
This outfit is simple, simple, simple, but it looks wonderful--for greenish-brown oilslick garments, at least--an angled skirt, an angled one-shoulder top, tap pants on two layers, capris, and stockings. Almost entirely system layers, though there are two flexi skirt options--and one is on fire.
This is the first design I worked on. It comes with flexi skirts in two different lengths, a set of capris, a long system skirt, short and angled system skirt, stockings, and tap pants. (The angled top that fastens around the neck? Is the only top for any of the sets, barring the Oilslick Green; but it's available on two layers.)
Celery Crunch. Don't ask me why I ended up naming them all after food, I have no clue either. Shimmery embroidered brocade silk, two flexi skirts, two system skirts, stockings, a selection of underlayers--really, it's amazingly variable considering it's not my usual 49-layers-to-an-outfit work.
I kind of feel badly about this one. I don't think it's a bad design, at all, but when I picked out the brocade for this one--well, I hadn't thought the concept through of oil stains. So the "clean" version--I have clean versions of all of these, and I'll make them up and put them out for sale sometime next week--looks grand.
Then I took the clean version, and spattered oil on it, and...well. Let's be fair, it's rich coffee-brown, tobacco-brown, embroidered brocade silk. With brown/orange oil on it. It looks...well, brown on brown. There's some variable, and if you love earthtones, this is your dress, but...yeah.
There are times where I'm just American, could be American from anywhere...This is not one of those times.
The Marionberry is a hybrid blackberry that originated in Oregon. It's found other places now, but at heart, though I wasn't born here, I'm a local girl--so I see a mid-range purple silk, I think "marionberry" before I think "purple". And thus, the Marionberry Cream was born.
Weirdly, this one manages to pull off 'posh' while oilstreaked. I don't get that. It's odd.
And where would we be without Strawberry Cream? When I get around to setting out this one, in the "clean" version, I think I'm going to flip on a bustle skirt and a long-sleeved blouse. Because seriously--this one is such a vintage pattern, it practically screams for it.
And there you have it. Six dresses for Operation Squeegee.
The sim that Operation Squeegee is going to work out of for the first fifteen days of July is lovely, pastoral, with a lighthouse and a beach that falls down from a crumbling earth shore; it's very Maine. And it took long hard effort both for me to get everything out on time (deadlines and me, we're not really friends) and for Operation Squeegee to exist at all.
More on that later; for now, there's one more image I want to show you that has nothing to do with charity efforts, the tragedy affecting the Gulf coast, or my frocks:
This is Serenity Semple. She haz a fierce.
Seriously, look at that. She's done a ton of work on her avatar of late, but normally, I see her in some twee outfit, and she's pretty, don't get me wrong--she's very pretty, but--this?
This is savage. This is I am going to claw your face off and never chip a nail territory. Rawr.
She looks really, really good, is what I'm saying, in tribal gear.
Is all.
And ONWARD! Next entry I go into some of the other outfits for Operation Squeegee, and why it's important to support the event.