call me any name you like, I will never deny it

So, I'm irritated by this. This is currently the Dark Spa at work:


It doesn't look great, no.

This is inside:


I'm still not sold on the purple.

Why, you may ask? Well, I'd willingly tell you, in EXCRUCIATING detail, but as upper management pointed out, even anonymizing conversations I have in most work situations does not really cover things. And is indiscreet. And they're right, I agree.


I HAVE both notecards, both the rant to a fellow Blossom, and the rant to me, and that fellow staffer has their full UUIDs in case they decide to show up and rant again, because we are so over people whining that they can't do what they want on a free sex sim.

PRO TIP, YOU IDIOTS, WE ARE NOT A FREE SEX SIM. "Adult" does not equal "free sex". My gods, there are sims that are rated Adult because they're violent RP sims, where character death occurs. THOSE sims do not equal "free sex" because they're Adult rated, either.

A comment from that fellow Blossom:
[14:02] vxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Now, I refuse to believe that either of them are children. How is it okay to wander into your neighbour's back yard and get nekkies at poolside? And your rationale is that the gate's latch was easily overcome?
[14:03] Emilly Orr: I know!
And that, essentially, is the problem.

So for now, this will be the Dark Spa:


Yeah, I found another brocade that matches things better.

I've sent out the appropriate notices to the House VIP group, and to the staff group, and as mentioned, sent the notecards in question to the sim owner, our Duchess, and the Sakura management, our dear Lynn. And we WILL solve this, but for now, it is VERY frustrating that some people just can't conceive of polite behavior.

We want to be a place people can feel comfortable, where our patrons can relax in discretion and relative security. We want to make our club inviting, warm, and pleasant.

Random naked people "because it's free" and "because it's Adult" does not make the environment inviting, warm, pleasant, or discreet, and I for one am beyond tired of it.

This will change.

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