we're in this alone, we bow to no one

Oh...boy. Here we go.
[16:16] jxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Hello!
Oh, gods. This came with a big, booming male voice gesture shouting "HELLO!". Why. Why was that necessary?

And...this was him:


Yes, that censor box does need to be that big. He didn't have just rampant genitalia, he had an uncircumsized log.
[16:17] Emilly Orr: Hi there
[16:17] Emilly Orr: Two years old and you're still shopping naked.
I'd been facing another direction, trying to get things to rez in, and then I'd turned around. First thing through my mind came out of my mouth, but can you blame me? Not only shopping naked; not only shopping naked erect; shopping naked with a foot-long summer sausage at hip level.
[16:18] jxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: how are you beautiful
[16:18] Emilly Orr: Doing well.
I really didn't know what else to say.


Right after I snapped this, he jumped on the floor mat behind him and went into pose. I could clearly see that the mat said "forced", so...not interested. I wandered. Ten minutes later, when I'd determined there was nothing suitable for Sakura, I wandered through the bedrooms (I am ever on the search for an Adult bed with rationally named poses), and found him on one of the beds, madly thrusting away into air.

I left.

But after that--and I can only assume he'd IMed originally as I was leaving--came this:
[16:19] exxxxxxx Exxx: hi
[16:19] Emilly Orr: Hello.
Guarded? Why, yes--after the first fellow, do you blame me?
[16:19] exxxxxxx Exxx: how are you
[16:20] Emilly Orr: Doing well.
I was starting to feel like a walking echo chamber.
[16:21] exxxxxxx Exxx: you are alone?
[16:22] Emilly Orr: Well, define 'alone'.
[16:23] Emilly Orr: Do you mean right now, or in general?
That's when he offered to teleport me. To another Adult sim.
[16:23] exxxxxxx Exxx: other place
[16:23] Emilly Orr: And...why would I be going there?
[16:23] exxxxxxx Exxx: for fun
[16:23] Emilly Orr: Oh, in that case, I can send over my rate card.
[16:24] Emilly Orr: But if you're not interested, I perfectly understand.
Of course he wasn't going to hire me. I knew that. Seven years old, no info on his SL page, no FL info or picture, no picks of any kind. Of course he wasn't interested in anything beyond free sex.
[16:24] exxxxxxx Exxx: ok byee
[16:25] Emilly Orr: Enjoy!
Color me unsurprised.

Seriously, this was my look for the day.


To me, this doesn't say "Take me, take me now!" All I was doing was shopping around for potential replacement furnishings for the club. I wasn't dressed for the club, and I wasn't dressed to impress. I was dressed for autumn comfort--boots, sweater, argyle wool skirt. My hair was even windblown.

Anyway, that was that. Mr. "I want you for five minutes, ten if you're lucky" never said anything after that, and neither did the log-bearer.

So, more scattered images from Halloween wanderings.


I was honestly looking for a sales sign to see what that store had on offer, when I ran across this. I'm not sure exactly what's going on. Does one ride the burning bull? Does one try to put the fires out? Does one dance before it and try to get it to charge? I have no clue.


Second, sighting of immodest statue on moderate sim. Now, that in itself is not precisely untoward, as by the ToS nudity is allowed as long as there's no sexual activity, or Adult furniture nearby in sight range.

However, I had to fight very hard to take a picture that was as 'figleafed' as I could get it, and if you look carefully, under the male's arms, you're actually still seeing part of his bits. Full on, his bits are erect and visible caged. Both are collared and on leashes. So, while in one sense, they're perfectly legal, for me they do skate that line of what is innocuous nudity, and what is sexual objectification.

It's very well done, don't mistake me. I just headtilted seeing it.


Finally, this is just a pretty picture from Redeux's Halloween event. This is of the entrance, before walking into the event proper, and a ghost drifted by at just the right time. I had to take the picture.

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