17 May, 2018

I'm not, I'm not myself

(Continued from part two.)

Hybridz came up with this skirted rubber doll, retailing for L$900. Very stylized.

Hybridz also has this Lolita-esque 'Candy Doll' avatar. Goes for L$700.

Also for L$700 is this ponygirl-influenced iso-suit avatar, also from Hybridz.

And this is Hybridz' Latex Sex Drone, which also goes for L$700. (If you're interested, most of Hybridz' content is in this vein. Just go wander their Marketplace page, or their main store.)

I admit, I'm dubious about the LA Drone Suit, only because it says it's 100% mesh, but...is only a single Linden? Still, it's on the list.

(Continued in part four.)