they say you can't go home again, it's true, especially when your home burns down around you

I don't know why I'm not letting go of the holidays this year. My playlist is still carols and solstice favorites, and our wee frosted tree festooned with musical instruments is still up. Got me, why, it's just a comfort, and these days, I go with those.

The 'Marbas' Beast Pelt boa from Vae Victis, in shades of deepest night.

Today I'm at the Temple of Sound in Riki, to show you another group gift from /Vae Victis\, this time the "Marbas" Beast Pelt boa.

Straight out of the box, no adjustments, no tinting, and it's a perfect fit. Which is honestly impressive, because Grim's nineteen feet tall. I figured at the least it would be ankle-length.

The 'Marbas' Beast Pelt boa from Vae Victis, in purest white.

There are eleven shades total--as is tradition, there's a capture of the HUD later--and I don't know if I can do them justice. I do know I want that floating house behind me.

The 'Marbas' Beast Pelt boa from Vae Victis, in sanguine glory.

I had never gone downstairs at the Temple, so...I decided to find out what was there. There's a pool there! And a nice bench to rest upon. And just enough shadow to drape around the deep crimson fur.

The 'Marbas' Beast Pelt boa from Vae Victis, in bright emerald.

Maybe I'm not the only one clinging to holiday feelings--Persephone Phoenix, the owner and operator of the Temple of Sound, and the ski slope behind it, has scattered several holiday trees around her property. Each of them have some cats, open to all. (She had them under request for two per person, but of late I think she just wants them carted off, so she's lifted that restriction!) Some are actual freebies, priced at L$0; some are slightly fancier breeds at L$200, which is still a deal; one or two are marked at L$1000 (usually those are the really BIG cats).

There are some that are not priced at all, and I see this partially as her just missing a few, because she had a LOT of cats out, as well as a minor contemplation moment on wanting the unattainable. Either way, you could probably drop her a line and ask about specific ones and see what she'd like them priced at.

I thought the brilliant emerald would go with the tree best.

The 'Marbas' Beast Pelt boa from Vae Victis, in powder pink.

And of course I'm not going to ignore the traditional pink shades! I actually considered leaving this one out, because it clips through the couch and I didn't feel like that much editing? But then I thought again, because clipping is a part of life in SL, and this was the only time I actually noticed it happening!

The 'Marbas' Beast Pelt boa from Vae Victis, in a glimmery blue, back home in the currently-empty Steam towers.

And that was that, and now it's time to reconsider what we're putting inside Steam towers, now that they're remaining for a while! Definitely the small bar I found, absolutely, but should the Cthulhu drinks go out again? Because the table goes very well with the place--it's a giant gear, with a friendly brass octopus topper--but that means the table will be out, and people will drink from the server...and we'll have people dropping dead all over again. Such a bother.

Oh--did I mention? You can't buy this at the mainstore, but you can get it at the main store for joining the group. It's glorious enough to go for L$500, but no, just the small bookkeeping fee for group joining (I think it's L$10 at present?). Do go see.

{{Brief comment one day after posting from the Editrix: yes, I did notice here and there the fur clipping through my bosom. But nearly everything I own clips through my bosom. It's a hazard I've accustomed m'self to.}}

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