so, where is the Duke, anyway? (part CXLVI)

(Roleplay entry. Continued from part CXLV.)


Rusty laughed ruefully, slumping to the floor. "Is that all?" Lifting his hand from his abdomen, they could see blood seeping through his clothes.


Emilly knelt beside him, trying to stop the bleeding. "That's not enough?


Behind them, whatever had been holding Justine began to pulse widely and before they could react, appeared to lift her up to and through the ceiling where she disappeared.


"Where is Justine?" Rusty asked in a choked whisper.


"Gone." Emilly pulled out her pad, scanning the vicinity.


Before either of them had a chance to recover at all, the attacks renewed, and Hiro's body floated above the table, just as he regained consciousness. "Em..."

(Continued in part CXLVII.)

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