Some distracted wanderings, as I go about my preparations for sleep.
This was taken as we were sitting in Bare Rose Tokyo's VIP room. And yes, Miss Neome really did think she was being all stealthy and ninja-like with her hiding skills.
Later, she hid even more effectively by sitting on the Raffle ball in the room, and rotating in a slow violet orbit. Indeed, hardly noticeable at all, she was only a bauble four times the size of the Raffle ball...
Speaking of o'erlarge baubles, however...

Click for a larger version of where, exactly, this was. During Solange's 12 Days of Christmas hunt, she actually buried one of her ornaments completely. It was exactly where she said it would be, and it was a 10x10x10 sphere, also as she said.
But still, fiendishly clever. Kudos to you, Miss Cerveau, well played indeed.
Ever wonder what happens when one of your prim eyes detaches during transport, and you come in partially Ruthed? Wonder no more:

Miss Midnight Bohemia explains wordlessly why two eyes are better than one.
And finally, from the ornament hunt at Falln, an odd encounter with the lurking undead.
Glimpsed on the stairs, a flash of red, a tuft of white fur, a snarling zombie visage from beyond the grave:
[3:29] My Pet Zombie Claus: See you later.
[3:29] My Pet Zombie Claus: >>:[
[3:29] Emilly Orr: Zombie Claus!
[3:29] My Pet Zombie Nurse: Can we get back to business?
[3:29] Emilly Orr: No!
[3:29] My Pet Zombie Nurse: Are you serious?
[3:30] Emilly Orr: It's Zombie Claus!
[3:30] My Pet Zombie Nurse: You're kidding. It is?
[3:30] Emilly Orr: It is!
[3:30] Emilly Orr: Look!
[3:30] Emilly Orr: He's right down there!
[3:30] My Pet Zombie Nurse: I see. Right down there is he?
[3:30] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0: Collision with "My Pet Zombie Nurse", Owner: Azriel Demain
[3:30] Emilly Orr: OW
[3:30] My Pet Zombie Nurse: Tell me a story.
[3:30] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0: Collision with "My Pet Zombie Nurse", Owner: Azriel Demain
[3:30] Emilly Orr: OW
[3:30] My Pet Zombie Nurse: What color are your eyes?
[3:30] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0: Collision with "My Pet Zombie Nurse", Owner: Azriel Demain
[3:30] Emilly Orr: They're impaled on your cart!
[3:30] My Pet Zombie Nurse: Impaled on my cart are they?
[3:30] Emilly Orr: OW
[3:30] My Pet Zombie Nurse: Can we get back to business?
[3:30] Emilly Orr: Stop hitting me!
[3:30] My Pet Zombie Nurse: OK I'll try not to do it so much.
I ran across the floor; he ran after.
[3:33] Emilly Orr: OW
[3:33] My Pet Zombie Nurse: My brain uses AIML to format responses to your inputs, but I don't have one for that.
[3:33] Emilly Orr: You did that on purpose!
[3:33] Emilly Orr: NO
[3:33] My Pet Zombie Nurse: Are you serious?
[3:33] Emilly Orr: STOP
[3:33] My Pet Zombie Nurse: Stop what?
[3:33] Emilly Orr: Running over me!
[3:33] My Pet Zombie Nurse: You are asking about yourself?
[3:33] Emilly Orr: I tend to
[3:33] My Pet Zombie Nurse: Thanks for the information.
[3:33] Emilly Orr: Fine, look, just...I'll stand over here.
[3:33] My Pet Zombie Nurse: I am glad to hear it. Sorry my eye is not attached right now. I haven't heard anything like that before.
[3:33] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0: Collision with "My Pet Zombie Nurse", Owner: Azriel Demain
[3:33] Emilly Orr: OW
[3:33] Emilly Orr: MINE EITHER
[3:33] My Pet Zombie Nurse: It goes without saying. I only hear that type of response less than five percent of the time.
[3:34] Emilly Orr: No kidding
[3:34] My Pet Zombie Nurse: Would I kid you?
[3:34] Emilly Orr: Let me find my eyes.
[3:34] My Pet Zombie Nurse: Go ahead, try to find your eyes.
[3:34] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0: Collision with "My Pet Zombie Nurse", Owner: Azriel Demain
[3:34] Emilly Orr: OW
[3:34] My Pet Zombie Nurse: Is that your final answer?
[3:34] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0: Collision with "My Pet Zombie Nurse", Owner: Azriel Demain
[3:34] Emilly Orr: AAAAAAAH
[3:34] My Pet Zombie Nurse: Tell me about your likes and dislikes?
[3:34] MystiTool HUD 1.3.0: Collision with "My Pet Zombie Nurse", Owner: Azriel Demain
[3:34] Emilly Orr: Great, you're homicidal AND codependent!
Honestly, I like FallnAngel Designs, I really do. And most of the time the zombies are...well, you know, a little off, they're zombies, but...still...
I bet he's just jealous of Zombie Claus.
And off for needed sleep.
Wow. Over 4000 sims in 2 months. And that's net loss not the total number of sims that have closed.
Very much ouch. I may be wrong in this, but I think that affects them more than the drain on the servers for having the OS sims running would.
Just as a guess.
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