crash and burn, all the stars explode tonight (part IV)

We're now up to part IV from part III! And we're starting with ADE:

ADE's 'Melody'

This is "Melody", and I'm showing it in the third shade from the 'More Colors' section of the Greyscales color HUD. I like this one.

ADE's 'Suna'

Some time passed, and I ended up in a different avatar. So this is "Suna", and sadly, while I think it's a pretty style, on this avatar it DOES NOT WORK, so...argh. But I'm showing it in shade ten from the Dark Roots section of the Blonds color HUD.

You can find ADE on the Brunette sim.

Alli and Alli sent pictures of their hairs, and ALL their hair huds, but--didn't actually send the actual hair demos, so...not covering them. You can find them on the Foils sim, though, if you're curious.

Next up, Analog Dog! Still doing the best bouncy vintage curls on the grid.

Analog Dog's 'Chimera'

More time passed, so another avatar. For "Chimera", I didn't even bother tinting it--I kind of like the way the bangs and the hair was set out of the box. I think this is also going in the potentially-get folder. It's a little flyaway, a little free-spirited, a little vintage, a little bouncy.

Analog Dog's 'Halo'

This is "Halo", a slightly straightened, combed-out pony, but the hitch is I tried to tint this to a new shade, and that's when I realized the only color HUDs included are rigged for the "Chimera". Ah, well.

Analog Dog's 'Pandora'

And this is "Pandora", which I'm showing in size M.

You can find Analog Dog on the Foils sim.


Next up is Exile with "Apollo", which comes in two variations. This one I'm showing in the very last shade of the included color HUD.

Exile's 'Apollo', version 1

Exile's 'Apollo', version 2

And this is the second variation, which I'm showing in shade 86 from the color HUD. I'm...not entirely sure...what the difference is? But there must be one.

You can find Exile on the Foils sim as well.

Coming soon: part V!

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