so I'll take two of what you're having and I'll take all of what you got (part II)

(Continued from part I.)


Another spider warning--seems like visitors are going to have to make their way through the webs to reach the front door.


Through the front door, more webs, more spiders...and a skeleton playing piano.


In a side room, two very tired skeletons, a wife and husband reclining after a hard day, and...a skinned dog??


Upstairs, in this very familiar build, the childrens' room--where the children seem to be watching over their possessed grandmother, as the crucifix slowly rotates on the wall.


And finally, the master bedroom, with a web-bedecked canopy bed, a web-draped sewing mannequin, and a very dusty vanity.

All in all, this one's fairly quiet, but well done. Not one for people who aren't fans of creepy-crawlies, but it's a pleasant walk, with some nifty decorations, and I quite enjoyed it. It's not a large space, but you know, they don't all need to be. My first five out of five skulls for the year.

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