This is psychotically NSFW, but also hysterically funny and, in a rare bonus to the filthy-minded STEM community, just PACKED with information on geology, science, mineralization, pest control, and water systems! Just amazing.
In the meantime, I usually don't find storylines in .gifs (or memes), but apparently, I accidentally ran across one! And I must share. So here you go:
Near as I can figure, this is the first one? Everything else is maybe not in order of release, but made sense to me. More or less.
Same as the above, but with words...
And then...the painting inserts began.
Spreading love and bones everywhere!
And now pets!
And birds!
And back to people...
And finally, YOU! Now everyone's happy. And bones. And always remember--your skull is always smiling, underneath your skin.
(Apparently, there's even more of these joyous things, all done by an artist named Kiszkiloszki, and further oddity besides. I think I'm in love.)
Thirty-nine days until Hallowe'en!
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