The Train Wreck Love Life
08 June, 2024
remember to breathe
I last posted in MAY?! Void stars, I'm losing my grip.

(Also, I still maintain Christianity would be on the rise if they listened to Reefer Madness's take...but I digress.)

So, what's going on? I am deeply delinquent on reviews. Events are opening at speed. It's getting darker, and I've forgotten what sun feels like on my skin.

Thinking cat is thinking.

In the meantime, a lot of thinking goes on when there's thinking at all, with intermittent static and snippets of strange commercials. But I'll try to do better about updates.

If I can.

(Oh, and this may be the first year in more years than I want to think about...where I don't cover Hair Fair at all. I have a lovely windblown long hair from Truth, and a starkly impractical, but beautiful, headdress from Azoury...and I only have those because a friend dragged me through one sim. So...yeah. Not getting that done is going on the pile with all the other things I'm not getting done.)

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posted by Emilly Orr @ June 08, 2024  
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Name: Emilly Orr
Home: Portland, Pacific Northwest, United States
About Me: There is no train. That's why it's real. In RL, I put words together with other words and fabric together with other fabrics, and sew everything together. Married in two worlds, mostly happy in two worlds, shrine maiden of Belopa in my off time (watch, uh, this for, uh...explanation??). Sarcasm is more than a hobby, it's closer to a lifelong avocation.
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truth of the moment

“We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once. And we should call every truth false which was not accompanied by at least one laugh.”
(Friedrich Nietzsche)

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