23 June, 2023

thought she was fragile like a flower, but she's fragile like a bomb (part three)

Dang, skipped right past 300 days for the Eternal Headache, and we're now at 302!

Not a number I ever wanted to reach...but here we are.

So! Getting back to Hair Fair coverage, because the clock is running down. Also, I am in no condition to muck about trying on Evo-X layers and hoping they work.

Next one's a set of photographic hair by Argrace.

Argrace 'KANNA' hair for Hair Fair 2023.

This is their "KANNA", in the second to last shade from the B and W color HUD.

Argrace 'REIKA' hair for Hair Fair 2023.

And this is "REIKA". Both styles feature four different 'set' styles, to allow for more lifelike wind in photos. You can find them on the Brunette sim, and each color pack goes for L$300, with the fatpack of all the shades for L$1000.

Next, Monso Hair with a mid-level confusing selection of sizes:

Monso's 'Kuromi' hair and the size menu.
I sort of just made my best guess.

Monso's 'Kuromi' hair for Hair Fair 2023.

But the style itself, "Kuromi", is very pretty.

Analog Dog's 'Aki' hair for Hair Fair 2023.

Next is Analog Dog. This is "Aki", and while I do like the style, the demo basically just shows what colors can be altered; it doesn't allow changing of the hair colors.

Analog Dog's 'Mer' hair for Hair Fair 2023.

"Mer", on the other hand, does work--I picked the 'Mix' hair color hud, and changed it to the last option on the 'blondes' section.

You can find both of these styles on the Redhead sim. Each shade will set you back L$300, the Mix pack is L$400, and the fatpack of everything is L$1200.

Next up: well, more? More is good.

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