right in your space, I just walk through your door, but I'm still so far away

More of Not-Me, accompanied by Lucifer Baphomet.

The oddity of SL:
[23:40] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Yeah, I have no idea how I combined Em's original measurements, and spacing on the RL face, and got Emilia Clarke.
Nevertheless, still in winter, dreaming of spring, so let's talk the redo of the Pillar of Inun from /Vae Victis\.

The Pillar of Inun, 'Automa', from Vae Victis.

Out comes the pouty elven glitch, because this set used to lack EvoX support, and now it has. So this is "Automa" in Gold, for mesh bodies with EvoX heads. Now, application is seamless and precisely in place--before, with the earlier set I had, I had to juggle layers until I hit the right combination that would texture Maitreya body, system head. I will grant, this IS easier.

The Pillar of Inun, 'Dium', from Vae Victis.

This is "Dium" in Abyssal--it's the same pattern, but this time the gorget is textured in magma tones of burnt rock and laval flow.

The Pillar of Inun, 'Huld', from Vae Victis.

This is "Huld" in Purple, and so far, I know this is going to be one of my favorites from this set. Stark metal blacks and charcoals, with details picked out in ultraviolet tones.
The Pillar of Inun, 'Invi', from Vae Victis.

This is "Invi" in Delirium, with a close-up of the side patterning, and how far the gorget rises to the lower cheeks.

The Pillar of Inun, 'Le'er', from Vae Victis.

This one, "Le'er" in Crystal, really goes with the background I chose for these pictures, which, as it happens, is somewhere in the Fairelands Junction. Serves me right for thinking the Junction had a solid port-in point.

The Pillar of Inun, 'Vitii', from Vae Victis.

And finally, the "Vitii" in Blood.

There are--in the fatpack--thirteen different shades for the EvoX update, and two "bonus" shades additionally, which are not rigged for EvoX (as shown above, the "Bris" in Delirium which amused me greatly. The other bonus shade is "Tene".)

As it's an update of an existing product, it's at the mainstore, and you can make it your very own for L$450!

give me hope, help me cope, with this heavy load

The more things change, the more they break the same. It took the better part of two and a half hours to bash some kind of functionality into the Kaya head. And in the end, what we have is...not me.

This is not me.

And I am beginning to believe it just never will be me, and...why is everything so hard?

It's annoying that this is not me.

So, welcome Not-Me to the cast of characters, the rest of which are usually me, because I wanted a functional EvoX head to put EvoX layered things onto.

Nevertheless, this is not me.

And if she does nothing else, pouty elven bitch that she is, she can at least stand around and get made up. It's ridiculous.

Something I sent to an otherlove when I finally gave up on making her look any better--or worse:
[15:41] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Gods, when did I log in...around one? And it's now...now...and I have JUST finished finding an outfit and bashing a mesh head into at least surface-usable condition, and...now I'm exhausted.
[15:42] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I hate this, I love you, I'll see what I can do with things this evening, and I'm off for a nap.
All I wanted to do is review EvoX layers for things. Why is it this stupidly difficult?

and now you use confession as the proof

SL is in a strange, strange place. From the [Sweet Slave] chat (non-anonymized for both convenience and because it's short):
[16:00] PantherCat (panthercat2): hi, is there anything you can buy here with teh credit except the Naima fatpack? even the singles of items are not purchasable
[16:00] Calsey Lefèvre (ymirjaw): right click, select menu
[16:00] Jo Wolf (johnwolf79): no idea, sorry
[16:01] PantherCat (panthercat2): Yes Ive ben doing that and I am familiar with how the credit and menus work at Sweet Slave, it just seems the items you can buy are less and less
[16:01] Calsey Lefèvre (ymirjaw): i didnt have an issue with it.
[16:02] Calsey Lefèvre (ymirjaw): hope some one can help you
[16:02] PantherCat (panthercat2): what did you buy with the credit Calsey?
Seems simple, right? Why am I quoting this?

Because I wasn't in the group.

Capture of chat from Sweet Slave

See what's odd about that? It's a group chat window. But there's no profile icon.

So I clicked one of the names, Calsey's, as it turns out, and pulled open the actual group profile:

Capture of Sweet Slave's group profile

Clearly, I have not joined this group.

What's going on?

she's a big boy now, she's a big boy

Huh. Yesterday I got a notice from Blogger, saying that one of my entries has been placed behind a content warning. It's from 2018--I think whatever damage it may have caused, it's caused it already.

Then today, I get another notice saying this post has also been placed behind a cautionary "adult content" screen. Bwuh? That one's even older--it's from 2010!

What's going on??

in search of new dreams, a love that will last

So, got the new thing notification, and started pondering where I wanted to be for this one, and...

The 'Hera' Diadem from Arkivet.

...pretty sure this wasn't it.

This is What's Lost Spirits, but...apparently the port-in point is now underwater?

The 'Hera' Diadem from Arkivet.

All right. Above water now. Now...where am I?

That probably doesn't matter; we're not here to figure out our placement in all the things. We're here to talk about Arkivet's newest offering, the "Hera" Diadem.

The 'Hera' Diadem from Arkivet.

This will be the exlusive offering for Arkivet's booth at Fantasy Faire. And this is it with no changes in size or position, just retinting with the shots.

The 'Hera' Diadem from Arkivet.

There are fifteen shades in which to tint the Diadem, plus two "plain" metals. (And "plain", there, is in quotes because even the dark metal and the light metal variants are gorgeously textured and anything but simple.)

The 'Hera' Diadem from Arkivet.

It's lovely in any shade, and fully modifiable, as with all Arkivet and Vae Victis products.

The 'Hera' Diadem from Arkivet.

And you can find this, as mentioned, at Fantasy Faire in...eep! Two days! It's only two days away!

I looked across the room and saw a face shining in the dark

So because Grim loves us, even when we do madcap things like go to his store and take over his throne, or (somehow) get wedged between Grim and said throne, he gives us some stellar group gifts. This is the latest.

The Lost Lenore...glasses.

May I present the "Lenore" Tombstone Spectacles from /Vae Victis\.

Tombstone specs!

So bit of explanation, because normally I move at least a little during photo shoots. I was in the Slippy Ship (that name still makes me giggle) that is the live music venue in Aphrodite. See, when the Fender sim returned to the mists--the one that was a HUGE performance space for the Dirty Grind collective--a lot of us scrambled to find new places for folks to play. Some of the folks behind Hotel Chelsea set up new performance dates for music and poetry in a couple of venues, and in the meantime, Tannhauser's Countess pondered if the bar on the scrappy little moon drawn into Tanis' orbit might work. We decided, in discussions with performers, that Wednesdays could work, so most Wednesdays now, the sets start at four pm SLT with either Corwyn Allen or Justinejohndory Amethyst, followed by Gypsy Dhrua, usually followed by Effinjay, or sometimes just Frogg Marlowe solo.

I haven't been able to make all of them, but the ones I have are starting to have that same feel that the Grind has--slightly run-down, graffitied art on the walls, and good music to groove to.

The group gift from Vae Victis.

The down side, for me, is some nights...volume hurts. Like, I want to listen, but...some nights the headache interferes. So rather than be dancing on the lower floor, I was on a couch upstairs in the gallery.

The group gift from Vae Victis.

And no, I don't know who the fellow was behind me. But here's the HUD, which features five separate parts that can be tinted seven different shades, to go with any conceivable look.

The group gift from Vae Victis.

All in all, these are simple, elegant, and gorgeous. And, with the glasses being mod, they can be shrunk for Dinkies and tinies, or slightly enlarged for furry snouts. They'll work either way.

So how do you get your grabby paws on these? Nothing simpler--drop by the mainstore (linked above), and join the group. It'll cost you a ten-spot, but after that, you can pick these up free. Yay all around!

On a pale horse

Now if you'll excuse me, more tests on the morrow, so off the keys I go! Onward!

I don't have far to fall but that didn't help at all

This is fine. Everything's fine.

Yeah, it's been...another of the bad weeks. But I move forward. I will crawl if I have to and count my progress in inches, but I am not giving up.

Expect an update on a /Vae Victis\ group gift next, and remember, to get that gift just drop ten Lindens in the till and join the chaos.

and I don't worry about the things you worry about

Tachinni Clothing is having an Easter promotion. You have to join the group (it's free), but then you'll be able to find five pastel eggs (for L$75 in store credit each; if you don't find all five, you still get the credit for the ones you find) with the group tag. Additionally, if you go to their Flickr, and like the post, comment on the post with your SL name, and share it (I'm counting this as my share), you will be entered for a chance to win L$1000 in store credit (there will be FIVE total winners!).

Tachinni Clothing hunt signboard.

Won't lie--the first time I did one of their store-credit-for-object hunts, I must have spent a good HOUR in that store trying to find an evening gown. Thing is...I no longer work in a place that requires evening wear, so...I was overjoyed with this. My newfound love of dressing casual is ideal here.

Didn't take me near as long to find something I wanted, either. The Vanesa set was what I walked out with--they're no longer on a L$60 special, but the sweater dress is L$250, with the scarf clocking in at L$125--and since I had L$50 left over from some hunt or other, I was able to get both of them on store credit! (Mine was the grey dress, and the teal/brown/charcoal scarf. The one with the pearl beads shown in the picture, btw? Is only in the fatpack. Though I'm tempted to splurge for that at some point...)

Anyway. Wanted to share. And probably would have even without the 'like/comment/share" urging.

oh, the monsters, they ain't just inside my head

So...it's been some time since I updated. I would like to say, I've been thrillingly occupied with a fascinating new development RL that is taking the whole of my attention, but...while it does involve new developments in RL matters, they are developments I neither wanted nor asked for.

Blursday. It's Blursday.

I'm fairly sure I've missed at least one offering each from /Vae Victis\ and Arkivet when they were at those particular events, go me. And I so want to say, well, it was a drop in productivity, but that's done now, so let's GOOOOO...but I'm trying to be a realist in this. At Day 218 of the Eternal Headache, and coming up on three full weeks with the new horror, it is safe to say the Em no longer functions.

I'll do what I can, y'all. Okay. Back to your regularly scheduled whatever.
