05 August, 2023

The Ezekiel Nighthunter's hat from Vae Victis

And I quote:
[12:14 PM]♰ π“›π”žπ”‘αƒ§ π”‡π”’π”žπ”±π”₯ ♰: @everyone Hey guys! Been drooling over the /Vae Victis\ - "Ezekiel" - Nighthunter's Hat but you're on a budget? Well now it is available at the "Sales Room" event for only 75L! This hat is one of the sexiest hats ever made in my opinion. Certainly a must have to be dashing on any occasion!
I have no idea if it's still at the Sales Room, honestly.

[[Note from the Editrix before publishing: yep, blew right past the deadline, the next round has designers filling booths as I speak. Bah.]]

So off we go to the main store to find out the price there!

And it turns out to be L$400, and can be found at the main store. It's still a great deal, considering the customization options, but yes.

[[Another insert: I should also say, the original date on this post was July 14th. Why the delay? Well, it's been...a bad couple of weeks, let's say. And it's also Day 333 of the Eternal Headache. We are so close to living a full year of this. Which is not what I wanted, ideally...]]

Anyway! Onward!

The Ezekiel Nighthunter's hat from Vae Victis

I won't lie, I'm getting serious Valentine vibes with this hat on this look. All I need is heart-shaped glasses...which...I may have in the inventory somewhere...

The Ezekiel Nighthunter's hat from Vae Victis

Shoulder cat does not like. He keeps aggressively sweeping my shoulders to knock the hat's feather's away.

The Ezekiel Nighthunter's hat from Vae Victis

Of course, part of that is it occasionally clips through his little hat, so that could be part of it, too. He's touchy.

The Ezekiel Nighthunter's hat from Vae Victis

The very close, in-person (or in-kitten?) tete-a-tete wherein he gave me ten minutes to ditch the hat or else.

The Ezekiel Nighthunter's hat from Vae Victis

Flying around me until I've ceded to his tiny demands. But while we're here, just look at the patterns. And I adore how the hat pattern is also part of the hat band.

Pretty sure he's preparing to cast a fireball.

The Ezekiel Nighthunter's hat from Vae Victis

So I went back home--or, at least, back to the Duchess' Garden, AKA, 'Em thinks she can build things right now"
that I'm setting up--whereupon I realized I hadn't included the HUD. So here it is.

Look at all those options! And, as shown, the feather colors I chose to (more or less) go with the outfit and the skin, being black, pink, and purple. Gold for all the metals, purple for the hat.

[[Another insert from the Editrix before publishing--I had this dated July 30th, so...yeah. It's been....boy, how it's been.

[[Something I'll just drop off here, from a Patreon I'm in, wherein the artist asked all of us how we were.]]

The state of things, August 2023.

That was my answer. And...yeah. Not playing the pity card, just...things are starting to get substantially delayed, as further degradation occurs. I'm doin' my best, y'all.

Ready to get off anytime.