This is a message from Kickstarter’s Trust and Safety team. We're writing to inform you that a project you backed, 1UP Dice, is the subject of an intellectual property dispute.So far, everything we've backed from Infinite Black has been Lovecraft-based. They garnered our attention a couple years back with their Elder Dice, lush, unearthly shades of gaming dice and accessories. Recently, though, they launched a new Kickstarter for 1Up Dice:
These are fun, brightly colored retro gaming dice. I think they're wonderful. Apparently someone else (our bet's on Nintendo) doesn't...
The project has been removed from public view until the dispute is resolved, which can take up to 30 days. The project’s funding and the countdown to its deadline have been stopped. If the project becomes available again, the countdown will continue and the new deadline will extend past the original deadline for as much time as the project was unavailable. You can find out more by reading our Copyright Policy and our Trademark Policy.
So...annoyance that the project's going to be delayed, a bit of worry on the project getting entirely axed, which would be said, but...bright spot that this Kickstarter may be delayed into January? So funds may not be coming out in December?So the longer this takes to decide, the closer we get to January and not December, but still...that is a very, very thin silver lining.Original deadline
Thu, Dec 9 2021 6:30 pm PST
Time remaining if project becomes available
17 days
Your pledge is currently still active. If you’d like to manage your pledge or reach out to the creator directly, you can still do so through the project page.Which, by the way, is the only page that remains visible when this happens. Because pledgers need to be able to reach out and message the creators, change their pledge, or cancel entirely.
Still strange, though. And we had just found out about this:
Which I was really looking forward to having in my acquisitive little hands.
So we'll have to see how it goes. I hope for good things, but...depends entirely on who's sending them the copyright notice, and how much they want to drag this out.