the beginnings of Gearhaven Prime


This is how it began. A flat, grass-textured square of land.


This is how it always begins. No sim comes pre-made, after all.


We start from the basics, and we make what we need, as with many other things in life. Of course, it won't be easy...but good things seldom come easily.


Unfortunately, the Lindens are having a bit of problem with the map coding at present. Getting a read on exactly where we are is proving difficult.


Near as we can make out, between the two maps we were able to pull...Gearhaven is exactly where it had been, the last time on the grid, which now, sits about four or five sims away from Babbage, and...about two sims away from Mondrago.

Which will only be a problem if they declare war. Again.

I'm perfectly happy with the detente that currently exists, so...maybe cooler heads will prevail. In the meantime, we're where we want to be, and rebuilding. Until we're finished, the former Gearhaven will stay up, but it will vanish into the mists when we're up and running here.

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